What Were Maltese Bred For? Lap Dogs Or Watchdogs?

What Were Maltese Bred For? Lap Dogs Or Watchdogs?


Roman women were mesmerized by this little dog. Soon enough, the Maltese dog became a fashion statement of noble women in Rome.

1. Roman Ladies’ Dog

The Maltese dog was used as a comfort dog because his little body was warm enough to relieve someone’s stomach pain.

2. Comfort Dog

The Maltese is thought to have repelled insects out of aristocrats’ bedrooms during medieval times.

3. Personal Hygiene Dog

The Maltese puppy does not mind some extra cuddling and snuggling which is why it is the perfect lap dog.

4. Lap Dog

This little white dog was bred to be the most affectionate, dedicated, and loyal pup to its owner.

5. Companion Dog