Are you thinking about getting yourself a new puppy? Have you been checking the dog breeds and asking friends and neighbors about what might suit your lifestyle?
And, then it happened — you saw a white Goldendoodle! And, I completely understand that you fell in love with this beautiful Doodle. They are white Teddy Bear dogs with the cutest eyes and the cutest nose — who wouldn’t want one?
But, as always… there are some things to go through before bringing a new dog to your home. We have to ask ourselves questions: can we actually take care of a dog?, do we have time for an active dog?, is there a difference between a male and a female?
These are just some of the questions we have to answer prior to getting a doggo, especially if you are a first-time dog owner.
And, then we can talk about the coat color of the dogs. In most cases, the color is what draws our attention. That snow-white coat can be beautiful, but it is on a dog that has all kinds of traits — they bark, sniff, walk around, drool, eat food, etc.
So, are you ready to get a white Goldendoodle? Let’s find out.
What Is A White Goldendoodle?

A white Goldendoodle is an adorable dog. That has to be said. Now, we can talk about its genes and dog parents.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) does not recognize any type of Doodle dog. You can have a Labradoodle, Aussiedoodle, Whoolde, or a Goldendoodle puppy, but they cannot be registered because they are not purebred dogs.
All Goldendoodles, no matter the coat colors, are designer dogs or hybrid dogs. What does that mean? It means that they have two purebred dog parents that were deliberately crossbred in order to get all of their traits into one dog.
Our white Goldendoodle is a mix of a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. Depending on whether you mix a Standard or a Mini Poodle and a Golden Retriever, you can either have a smaller or a bigger white Goldendoodle.
But, a white Goldendoodle is a crossbreed dog (or a mixed type of dog), and as such, it can have a variety of traits. It all depends on its parent’s traits. Let’s take a look at the dog parent breeds to get a clearer picture of our snow-white Doodle.
This is an intelligent dog with a lot of love for its owner. As I already mentioned, they can be Standard, Medium (or Moyen Poodle), or Toy. They come in a lot of colors, from apricot and parti to black and white.
There are also merle Poodles, cream Poodles, and phantom Poodles. There are so many different colors, which means that its offspring can have all these colors as well.
And, yes — there is a white Poodle, too. That is the one responsible for our white Goldendoodle. White Poodles are quite popular among dog owners around the world, so finding a white Poodle mix is not that rare.
The Standard Poodle weighs from 50 to 70 pounds, and they can be more than 15 inches tall. Male Poodles are slightly bigger than female Poodles.
These doggos are famous not only for their wits, but also for their hypoallergenic trait. These two traits are some of the main reasons why breeders use Poodles in so many crossbreeding.
There are a lot of Poodle mixes, and they are all called Doodles.
Golden Retriever
Who doesn’t know a Golden Retriever? Just like Poodles, these dogs are very popular all around the world. They are one of the most popular family dogs in the U.S., even though their origin is quite different.
The Golden Retriever dog was bred as a bird-hunting dog. Or, better — a bird retriever dog, especially from bodies of water.
They are affectionate, great with kids, and are often used as therapy dogs. Their average height is up to 24 inches, and they can weigh from 60 to 80 pounds.
Maybe it’s not that obvious as with Poodles, but Golden Retrievers have five different coat colors. They are all shades of cream and gold, but nonetheless, they are separate colors. And, the brightest cream-colored Retriever is used in the making of our Doodle puppy.
The Golden boy (or girl) used in crossbreeding our white Goldendoodle is an English Cream Golden Retriever. It’s called English, but some people call it simply a cream-colored Retriever.
There are some differences between the English and the American Golden Retriever. If you are interested in reading about them, you can follow this link: English Vs American Golden Retriever.
How Do You Get The White Color?

Now, let’s get back to the main question — how do you get a white Goldendoodle? It can sound strange to call something that is golden white, but the name “golden” comes from the Golden Retriever, and it has nothing to do with the coat color of our crossbreed dog.
Actually, there are many Goldendoodle coat colors:
- Cream Goldendoodle
- Parti Goldendoodle
- Phantom Goldendoodle
- Merle Goldendoodle
- Black Goldendoodle
- Apricot Goldendoodle
Our Doodle is called white, but some people call them English Cream Goldendoodle in honor of their English Cream Golden Retriever dog parent.
In essence, mixing a white Poodle and a cream Golden Retriever produces a white Goldendoodle. Depending on the Retriever’s shade of cream coat color, their offspring can either be pure white or still have some cream color in the fur.
As you know, a Golden Retriever is not just of a light golden coat color. It can be dark golden, too. Sometimes, these darker shades can get mixed up and you can end up having a litter of white Goldendoodles in which you have one darker pup.
This is a rule of thumb when it comes to the first generation of Goldendoodles.
Goldendoodle Generations’ Impact On The Color
When you get a puppy from a Poodle and a Golden Retriever that are purebred, it is a first-generation Doodle puppy (or F1 Goldendoodle).
Even though crossbreeding white color with cream colors gives very light-colored puppies, there could be some surprises. This is because the gene pool is big and deep, and we never know what lurks under the surface.
When you mix an F1 Goldendoodle with a purebred dog (in most cases, with a Poodle), their offspring will be an F1b Goldendoodle (or a second-generation Goldendoodle). This time, the chances of getting a puppy with a darker coat color are greatly reduced.
There is more to come. When you crossbreed an F1b Goldendoodle with a Poodle, the result is an F1bb Goldendoodle. As this puppy has more than 85% of Poodle genes, the chances of getting a darker puppy are reduced to a minimum.
So, as you can see, the color of the Goldendoodle breed does depend on the generation. If you want to be as sure as possible that you will get a white Goldendoodle, the best option is to breed later generations of Goldendoodles.
Can A Color Change The Goldendoodle’s Temperament?

We’ve seen how to get a white Goldendoodle puppy, but can that coat color influence or change my dog’s temperament in any way?
The truth lies in the Goldendoodle generations once again. This time, the first-generation white Goldendoodle will have more predictable temperamental traits. This is because this dog has two purebred parents with well-established traits.
The problem with other generations is that temperamental traits change and become unpredictable. This is because we don’t have purebred dogs anymore. We hacked the code and changed it, and now we don’t know what the outcome will look like.
We can still have some expectations, but the more that crossbreeding is done, the higher the chance is of getting a dog with temperamental traits that we didn’t expect. This is why sometimes someone leaves a comment with pictures on a website, saying, “my Goldendoodle is nothing like that!”
But, the color is not the reason behind these changes! The white color simply “follows” the unpredictability.
So, What Is It Like Owning A White Goldendoodle?
It’s a joy! I mean this because they are such sweet and affectionate dogs. Goldendoodles got their wits, playfulness, and friendliness from their dog parents.
If you get a white Goldendoodle from a reputable breeder who takes tender loving care of his dogs, it will quickly become your best friend and main accomplice in all kinds of activities.
They are sometimes stubborn, and they have to be properly socialized and trained as puppies if you want to make sure nothing bad happens when you leave your Doodle with children.
They won’t hurt the children, but they might scare them or they themselves can get scared if they did not have proper socialization at an early age.
But, no matter the dog breed, early socialization is essential for having a loving doggo with good behavior and confidence in all kinds of life situations.
To sum it up, Goldendoodles are:
- Active
- Playful
- Affectionate
- Can be stubborn
- Need socialization
Because they are quite witty and stubborn, they might not be the best choice for first-time dog owners. These dogs need someone who already has experience with dogs.
That doesn’t mean you cannot have it, but having some prior experience with dogs will make it easier for both you and the dog.
Is A White Goldendoodle Healthier Than Other Goldendoodles?

If you get a dog from a responsible and reputable breeder, then in most cases, your white Goldendoodle will have great health.
A responsible breeder will not breed dogs that have some health issues or diseases that can be transferred to their puppies. They usually test their dogs and offer a health certificate and a health guarantee as proof that everything is alright with your new pup.
But, we cannot prevent everything. As with all dogs, Goldendoodles are prone to some diseases and health issues.
The white Goldendoodle is no different. The color ‘white’ does not make them immune from the most common health issues that their Poodle and Golden Retriever parents can have.
Here are some issues to look out for:
- Hip dysplasia
- Elbow dysplasia
- Heart diseases
- Glaucoma
- Cataracts
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy
As I’ve mentioned, all responsible breeders test their dogs for these diseases regularly. But, there is something that can be connected with the white color of our Doodle — hearing problems.
This health issue is connected with a lack of pigmentation. It is not just connected to a white Goldendoodle, but to other dog breeds and crossbreeds that either have a white coat or blue eyes. This health issue is also common in other species; for example, cats.
This type of deafness is called Cochleo Saccular deafness, and it can affect one or both ears. It causes complete loss of hearing.
This obviously does not mean that every white Goldendoodle will be deaf, but they can carry a gene that can be transferred to their offspring. These genes are associated with the merle and the piebald coat color genes, and they are more prevalent in such colored dogs.
Deafness happens in the first couple of weeks after birth. There is no certain reason why this happens, but doctors believe that the damage happens because of a problem with the blood supply of the cochlea.
With no blood to bring the necessary nutrients, the nerve cells of the cochlea eventually die and leave the puppy deaf. This can happen in one or both ears.
Deaf White Goldendoodle Puppy Debate
This is a debate because people have divided opinions. One side thinks it is for the best to euthanize deaf puppies because they cannot be bred, they will have difficulties in training and obedience, and they can get hurt more easily.
This side also states that taking care of a deaf puppy and a deaf grown dog takes a lot of time, and that even with a lot of care, we cannot be certain how the dog will be — scared, aggressive, or loving.
The other side is my side, too. I have to be very biased and say that I do not support the euthanasia of deaf white Goldendoodles. Should they be spayed or neutered? Yes! Should they be put in special care with people who have time for them? Yes. Do they require more care? Yes.
But, do they deserve to die because some “breeders” don’t have time for them? Absolutely not! What is this — Sparta?
If you are not ready to take care of a deaf dog, no one is pointing fingers — it is OK to put a dog up for adoption or ask your vet for a place where your dog can enjoy life with proper care if you cannot take care of it.
Is The White Goldendoodle The Dog For Me?

The white Goldendoodle can steal your heart the moment you lay your eyes on such a pretty doggo. But, it’s not just a pretty dog.
If they have big dog parents, like Standard or even Giant Poodles, then these dogs can get big — they can weigh around 90 pounds, and be up to 30 inches tall! Big doggos!
That means they will need lots of space to run and be happy. They can be apartment dogs, for sure, with proper training and socialization, but they will need daily exercise to keep them healthy and happy.
A standard white Goldendoodle will weigh around 70 to 80 pounds, and can be up to 25 inches tall. That is not gigantic, but it is still a big dog.
They are also very smart, and they can get bored easily if you don’t give them enough mental stimulation. Why is that important? It is important because a bored dog can become destructive or even aggressive.
These dogs are also affectionate and loyal, but they need proper socialization if you want them to act calm and with lots of patience when they interact with young children.
The Conclusion
The white Goldendoodle is not a rare Doodle, but it is certainly one of the most beautiful Doodles. They have that Teddy Bear look that gives them a puppy-like face even when they get bigger and older.
But, it’s not all about looks. If you are thinking of getting a white Goldendoodle, you have to be ready for its size, stubbornness, constant mental stimulation, and daily exercise. They also need proper and early socialization to get used to all kinds of smells, sounds, animals, and people.
That way, your white Doodle won’t have problems with strangers, neighbors, other dogs, pets, or with children of any age.
In conclusion, this is a wonderful dog that will surprise you with its intelligence and affection. But, it is not a suitable dog for first-time owners. Don’t worry – there are plenty of low-maintenance dogs that are just as cute and adorable.
And, if you do want a white Goldendoodle and no other dog, then you can ask a professional trainer to help you train your Doodle in the best and easiest way possible.