To use a shock collar on your dog or not to use – that is the question! This is a pretty interesting, yet exhaustive topic that every dog owner faces at a certain point. The “Should you use a shock collar on a Pitbull” dilemma, on the other hand, is another pair of sleeves.
Pitbull canines are considered to be one of the most aggressive and stubborn dog breeds to train, which is why the use of e-collars, vibration collars, or simply shock collars is inevitable.
But, how good are shock collars for your dog? Are there any repercussions in using them? And, how long until you stop using them? These are the questions we’re about to address throughout this article. So, my advice is – stay tuned!
Should You Use Shock Collars On Pitbulls?

Pitbull shock collars are a pretty common training tool that are nowadays widely used by dog owners and trainers. To put it simply – the main idea behind using a shock collar for a Pit is making a decent, well-mannered dog out of it.
Still, there is quite a big dilemma among experienced dog professionals as to whether these collars are the right solution or not. The breaking point starts at the saying that e-collars are not exactly the healthiest training method for a dog as they can cause pain, stress, and major anxiety.
On the other hand, this unorthodox training method can be useful, especially if you decide to train your dog in a public place, such as a dog park, or if you have major problems with obedience training your Pit.
To see what shock collars do to your puppy, and how exactly they are perceived – check out these pros and cons!
Three Pros

1. Breaking Down Stubborn Behavior
It is no secret that Pit puppies are not ranked high on the list of the easiest dogs to potty train or to obedience train. Quite the opposite… these medium to large dogs can be quite stubborn at times, especially for first-time owners.
Instead of being miserable throughout training sessions, many dog owners go for a shock collar for Pit puppies. The use of these collars dictates an organized tempo during obedience training as it prevents Pitbulls from becoming overly stubborn and reactive.
Instead, Pitbulls that are properly trained with shock collars are more likely to let their guard down and start obeying their “human commanders.”
2. Instant Feedback Is Right There
Generally, the use of dog training collars helps Pit owners to get an express feedback from their dogs. That being said, a Pitbull training collar will give an instant sign to your dog that it is doing something wrong.
Making it clear when they are doing something right or something wrong at the exact moment of their doing is the key for better understanding your commands. Hence, the advantage of using shock collars!
On the other hand, Pit puppies trained with shock collars are more likely to adopt new knowledge faster.
3. They Don’t See You As A Bad Guy
Pit puppies of all kinds, including American Pit Bull Terriers, are labeled as aggressive dogs. That being said, there is a possibility that your Pit puppy can react negatively during obedience training, especially if it is forced to do something that he doesn’t want to do.
When you use a Pit collar, though, you prevent yourself from being a bad guy during the training sessions. Instead, your dog is getting a signal that you’re helping him by leading him to do the right thing in order to avoid the shock. Quite a mind game, isn’t it?
Shock collars help you navigate your dog without making it think that you’re the one who’s giving all the punishment.
Three Cons

1. It Triggers Stress And Trauma
As much as they help your Pit puppy get there faster – shock collars or even vibration collars can trigger a major trauma or stress in your dog. That’s right! Some puppies react extremely negatively to the use of these training gadgets.
In the long term, both male and female Pit puppies that were subjected to collar obedience training can have serious repercussions in terms of their mental health.
Even the simplest training later on can be perceived as something negative, which is why it is sometimes best to avoid these training tools. Instead, give orthodox training methods a try!
2. Pits Can Become Anxious
Full-blooded Pit puppies are known to become extremely anxious either when they don’t get things their way, when they are separated from their owner, or when they are exposed to stress.
That being said, you should probably avoid these training tools if you want to preserve your dog’s mental health.
Anxiety has many different manifestations in Pit puppies. Starting with fear and self-destruction, all the way to aggression – these are all possible outcomes in an anxious Pitbull.
That’s why the best way to train your dog is if you start with basic training methods first. Try vocalizing your commands or giving a treat every time your Pit does something good. If this doesn’t work – reach for other methods!
3. There Are Better Methods
First of all – you should know that Pit canines are not always recommended for first-time dog owners. These dogs require firm leadership and an experienced touch, which is why they may act negatively around insecure people.
Experienced dog owners who know how to take a stand next to their Pit companions should always reach for orthodox training methods, such as positive reinforcement, vocal commands, approval or disapproval of certain actions with their body language, and so on.
Furthermore, the use of interactive toys or healthy snacks is highly encouraged in this regard. Pits respond to a loving touch much better than you can imagine. So, why neglect this training method?
Basic Pitbull Training Methods

Early Socialization
Training your Pit not to bite or to recognize a friendly attitude at first sight is part of unavoidable early socialization training. Early socialization is highly required in these canines as unsocialized Pits are known to be unfriendly to anyone who is not part of their family.
Toys And Treats
Just like any other dog breed, Pit puppies enjoy playing with chew toys or having an occasional snack. But, there’s a catch! You can both please your dog and use these things to stimulate good behavior. So, do it wisely!
Don’t let a day go by without using positive reinforcement methods for making a decent pet out of your PItbull. Snacks are an excellent way to do that!
Vocal Commands And Body Language
Don’t worry – basic obedience training can be done by an average dog owner, too. However, you will need a lot of time, patience, and discipline.
The use of vocal commands and body language helps your dog create an association to all dos and don’ts during training sessions. So, don’t hesitate to vocalize your attitude or to raise your hand when needed! Your puppy will understand!

The “Should you use shock collars on Pitbulls” dilemma is out there… that is for sure. In order to make an evaluation on whether to use this unorthodox training method or not, you should first consult your veterinarian or an experienced dog trainer.
After you have assessed your dog’s physical and mental health, you can slowly put shock collars to use. But, don’t exaggerate! Always find the line between “enough” and “too much!”
Read more: How Long Do Pitbulls Live? Can We Extend Their Lifespan?