There are many different dog breeds out there and every single one of them has something interesting about them. Whether it is some of their personality traits or something about their appearance, there will always be a factor that makes a breed interesting.
When it comes to the pigment of the dog’s coat, you will be able to see many different shades and color patterns. Some dogs might have a more interesting look to them while others come in more basic colors, but whatever the case is, all dogs have their characteristic look.
In this article, we will be going through different colors that the Pekingese dogs can come in. Pekingese colors might be basic for some people, but some people will find them as beautiful as the ones that come in interesting color patterns.
14 Pekingese Colors And 7 Markings

The Pekingese dog is one of those dog breeds that comes in many different colors and color combinations. When you see a Pekingese puppy, you will get a good idea of what this pooch might be colored like.
Some of the markings might not be as noticeable as when they grow up, but you will at least be able to see that the dog will have some sort of markings.
When it comes to Pekingese colors, you need to know that it can sometimes be a bit confusing because there are many variations and quite a number of main colors.
We decided to make it easier for you to see and understand how to separate the main colors and all the potential markings. Instead of saying, for example: red, red with white markings, red with a black muzzle, etc., we will list the colors, and later on, the possible markings.
This way, you will not have a loooong list that can only confuse even professionals.
Now that we made this clear, we can start with the list of the main colors of the Pekingese dog.
14 Pekingese Colors
You will be able to see that the list of the main colors of this little dog is quite long. There are plenty of colors that you can choose from.
We can not decide which one we like the most, so if you have a color that you find the most beautiful and interesting, let us know. We would love to hear from you.
Now, let us start with the list.
1. Red

When it comes to the coloration of the dog’s coat, the color ‘red’ might be hard for some people to detect. A lot of people might think of this color as some shade of brown. We can understand why.
But, when you compare a red dog to a brown dog, you will be able to see the difference clearly. The red Pekingese is considered to be one of the most common ones, and the color that people usually tend to look for in this dog.
It can come in a couple of shades, from a really dark red to a light red. Whatever the case might be, it will always have a red pigment, and you will always be able to tell the difference between a brown Pekingese and a red one.
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2. Light Red

We mentioned that the color ‘red’ can come in a couple of different shades. The light red shade has its own category because it is more common than the darker shades of red.
The darker shades of red are in the red category, and some of the lighter shades of red are in the red category.
Light red will be noticeable among the other reds. It is not too light so that you will not be able to notice that the main color is red. It can come with some cream or white discoloration.
It can also have some darker markings, but this is not that common.
3. Red Sable

Red sable is very similar to a pure red dog, but with some discoloration. The easiest way to describe the sable part is that it is a different coloration from the main color, but it does not come in patterns like spots or any other regular form.
The sable coloration is almost like the other color, mostly black, and it merges with the main color. With red sable, you will be able to see some black discoloration throughout the body.
It can also be distributed on the ears and paws where the discoloration will be clearer. The dog will still be mostly red, but it will have some “decoration” with another color – mainly black.
4. Red Brindle
Red brindle is red mixed with some black markings. The markings will be placed mostly on the ears, face, legs, and tail.
You will be able to see some black discoloration all over the body, but it will not be overwhelming.
5. Black

When it comes to the black Pekingese, there are two possible colorings. One is the more logical one – when you say that a black dog is of pure black color. There are no markings and no grayish undertones.
The other coloring is black with some markings that can be white, but in most cases, they are grayer, or to be more precise, silver.
The silver part can be placed on their paws, chest, and even their tail.
The thing you need to know about black coloring is that it can be damaged by the sun. Sometimes, puppies appear to be dark brown, especially if they spend a lot of time in the sun.
This can be corrected over time, meaning that the pure black coloring can reappear over time if the dog is not exposed to a lot of sun.
If you want to keep your dog pure black, try not to expose it to the sun a lot. This does not mean that by taking a walk on a sunny day, your dog will lose its black pigment so you do not have to worry.
6. Black And Tan

We have all heard about the black and tan combination of colors when it comes to dogs and their coat. Dog breeds like Dobermans and Rottweilers are known for their black & tan markings.
When it comes to Pekingese dogs, this color combination is super rare. You can barely see it or find it, so if you are strictly looking for this color combination, we need to sadly tell you that you might want to switch to another color.
The majority of the dog’s body will be black, with some tan markings that are placed around the body. The markings will mostly be on their chest, paws, and partially on their face.
7. Gray
The gray color of this dog might be a bit hard to describe. These dogs are never purely gray, but you will be able to see that the main color of their coat is gray.
It can come in a couple of different shades – anywhere from super light gray to very dark gray. The coat itself will have a couple of shades of gray, and even a bit of white and black. It is never one solid shade of gray.
These pooches are interesting because you never know how they will look, especially when you are looking at a Pekingese puppy. Over time, they can change a couple of shades of gray until they grow into adulthood.
Gray might not be the most popular color for these pooches like it is for a Weimaraner, for example. Weimaraner colors can be different, but the most popular one is gray, and they are characteristic of that color.
8. Gray Sable
Gray and gray sable are very similar. To a lot of people, the difference will be barely noticeable even when you put the two dogs near each other to compare.
Since the gray Pekingese is not purely gray, the sable one might resemble the gray one. The only time you can notice a difference is when there is more black discoloration. This also depends if the black parts are bigger and darker.
If they are not that dark and not all over the body, you might not even be able to notice it. This is more for the professional eye to see.
9. Biscuit
The biscuit color of this dog comes in many different shades, and they are all considered under the term ‘biscuit.’ This term can be rephrased as the ‘brown color’ of this dog.
It can be so light that it resembles a light cream… an almost white color. It can also get very dark and look almost like a red Pekingese, but it is, in fact, the darker brown or biscuit color.
10. Cream

Cream and white colors go hand in hand. Cream is technically a darker version of white. Creams have different shades, and they can be showcased on one dog.
Cream dogs can be purely one color, but most of the time, they will have a couple of shades of cream on their coat. The majority of the coat can be a light cream color while you will be able to see a couple of spots where the cream is a bit darker.
When it comes to cream Pekingese dogs, they never appear with a black mask or nearly any black variations. The darker variations of the main colors can appear with some cream markings, but not the other way around.
11. White

White is the lighter shade of the cream color. There are also a couple of shades of white. They can be purely snow white, but they can also come in a paper or ivory shade.
The white Pekingese mostly comes with some cream markings. The pure icy white pooches can be rare, but you also need to know that over time, they might turn another shade of white, especially when they get very old.
When it comes to biscuit, cream, and white shades, they can be hard to describe, and it can be hard to notice the difference. They might all sound and look the same, but the small difference in undertones puts the shades of these colors in different groups.
When you put all the shades of each of these three colors together, you might be able to notice the difference.
Some people might call a shade of a white dog a cream dog, and the other way around, and we completely understand why.
We need to say that this should not be confused with albino dogs. These pooches can also be albino, just like any other dog, but one of their main coat colors is white.
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12. Fawn

This is the most classical color for this breed. It is a type of brownish color. It can sometimes even look like these dogs are fawn or orange.
They usually come with a black mask. You will rarely be able to see a fawn dog with only white or light markings, but it is not impossible.
One of the popular fawn dogs is a fawn Doberman so you can always make a comparison in your head if you are not sure what a fawn Pekingese looks like.
13. Fawn Brindle
Fawn brindle Pekingese dogs will have noticeable darker markings. The black color will pop, especially on the face, ears, and leg parts.
The black marking will be placed all over the body, but not taking a lot away from the main color, which is fawn.
14. Fawn Sable
Fawn sable is similar to fawn brindle, but in a lighter combination. The markings are still black, but a lighter shade of black.
You might not be able to notice the black as much, except if the markings are placed on their muzzle and legs.
7 Markings

When it comes to markings, you need to know that almost every single one that we will list can appear on every one of the main colors that we listed before.
There might be some exceptions, but mostly, the markings can be seen in every color. You can also see a couple of these markings appearing on one dog.
There are not many rules, so if you want to see all the possible markings that these pooches can have, then let us start with the list.
1. White Markings
When it comes to white markings, there is a definition that makes a dog parti-color, or a dog that just has white markings on its body. A dog would be considered parti-color if the majority of the body is covered in white.
Approximately half of the body would need to be covered in white.
These pooches can have the majority of their body covered in white, but mostly, it is only covered in certain places like the head, chest, face, and paws.
There are a lot of combinations in which white markings can come in and look like there is no rule.
2. Black Mask
When it comes to the black mask, people tend to confuse it with a black face, which we will describe later on. A black mask is considered to be when a dog has a partially covered face with black color.
There is no specific look to the black mask, but it should not cover the whole face. Usually, the snout and the part around the eyes will be black.
This is popular among these lap dogs, and you will be able to see it quite often.
If they are a cream color with a black mask, they can resemble the coloration of a Pug.
3. Black Face

A black face is a bit different from a black mask. However, the only difference is that when it comes to the black face, nearly the whole face is covered in black.
It can sometimes be referred to as a monkey face.
When you put the two dogs side by side, you will be able to see the difference. A black mask can be small, and in that case, you will be able to differentiate the two.
When the black mask is a bit bigger, it can sometimes resemble a black face, but the black marking will always be smaller in the black mask.
4. Black Muzzle
This one is easy to tell apart from the other two mentioned. In this case, the dog will only have black color on its muzzle.
The main coat color will be distributed over the whole body except the muzzle, which will be a black shade.
5. Black Face And White Markings
These pooches will have a black face, which we learned is when the face is almost completely covered in black. However, the white markings can be different.
Usually, in this case, the marking can appear on the chin, which is a cute little detail on the black face.
Other white markings can be on the paws, chest, and somewhere on the dog’s body.
6. Black Muzzle And White Markings
This is similar to the black face and white markings. In this case, the muzzle will be black and the chin can have a small white marking.
Other markings can also be around the body, but sometimes they will appear only on the chin.
7. Parti-color
This might sound more like the main coat color, but it is referred to as a marking because it is a play on the white marking around the dog’s body.
In this case, the white parts will be geometrically distributed around the body, and it needs to be almost in the same amount as the other coat color.
There is an interesting fact about parti-colored dogs and their face. The white part should be equal on both sides of the face. If it is not, it can be considered undesirable.
About The Breed

The Pekingese dog is one of the rare dog breeds that have been bred to be family pets. A lot of dogs are usually bred to be working dogs, and to have a certain purpose that will make the lives of people easier.
Pekey dogs are not one of them. Imperial families from China wanted companion dogs that would also be amazing show dogs, and they ended up with these pooches that we all know and love today.
This small dog is full of personality, so it is fitting that they have the nickname, ‘the Lion dog.’ It is a small package that carries a lot of temper and personality traits that just can not go unnoticed. This is especially interesting in the teacup Pekingese. It is even of a smaller size, but it has the same personality.
The amazing thing about this breed is that they can get along with everyone and everything, but they can get quite opinionated. They are perfect for any type of family and any type of environment. Pekingese dogs can live with people who love to lounge, cuddle, and spend a lot of time in an apartment or house.
You can tell that they are family members that everyone wishes for.
They can also be amazing for people who are more active and spend a lot of time outside. They are just amazingly adaptable. House or an apartment? It does not matter with this dog because it can thrive anywhere.
Since they were single-handedly picked by the imperials, a.k.a., Chinese royalty, these pooches might still have some self-important DNA left in them. Don’t worry – this is not something that is showcased often. They know how to turn this part of them into something funny and cute by giving you quite a show.
This dog does demand respect, but it will give respect right back to you. Since its family was surrounded by important people, they still to this day greet every person with dignity. This is something that a lot of people who own this dog will tell you about.
The appearance of this dog perfectly matches its near royalness. The Pekingese breed has a long, double coat that usually goes all the way to the floor. This can be a problem if you spend a lot of time out in nature. They can also have a lot of tangles, but you can always give them a haircut.
It is not unusual to see a Pekingese with a short coat.
These dogs are independent and even stubborn at times, so training them can be a bit difficult. They are intelligent, don’t get us wrong, and they can learn anything very fast, but the question is if they want to do that.
They want things to go on their terms, and training is not something that provides them that. You need to have a dominant side to yourself, and even more importantly, a patient side in order to get this pooch to learn to love training sessions.
Socialization is also very important when it comes to these dogs because their stubborn side can make them a bit angry at anything and everything.
Being wary towards strangers is not something that is unusual for this dog. They are just being careful about who they let in their home and around their owner. It is almost like they need to know that the people are worthy of their presence.
They are amazing with kids, and they get along well with them, but you always need to be present. Since it is a small dog, kids might unintentionally get a bit rough with it and the dog might defend itself and hurt a kid.

Every breed has a list of some health problems that the dog will be more prone to. Depending on the breed, some dogs will have a shorter list while others might have a bit longer one.
This toy dog will also have some health issues that they can be prone to, and here are some of them that you should keep an eye on.
– Entropion
– Ectopic Cilia
– Fold Dermatitis
– Cryptorchidism
– Cataracts
– Distichiasis
– Brachycephalic Syndrome
Based on their general health, their life expectancy is around 9 to 11 years. You need to make sure that you give them all their vaccinations in their puppyhood, and take them regularly to the vet when they become adults so that their lifespan will be as long as possible.
An interesting thing about these pooches is that it is considered that the first Pekingese was created by Buddha in a very interesting way. The story goes that Buddha shrunk a lion, and by that, created the Pekingese dog breed.
But, the more popular origin of these dogs is ancient China, where they were loved by the imperial families and lived a comfortable life in the imperial palace.
An interesting thing also happened in the 1860s during the opium war when England, or to be more precise, the British troops got into Peking. The situation was rough, and unfortunately, the imperial families killed their beloved dogs because they didn’t want them to come in the hands of the enemy.
The Pekes we know and love today were registered by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1906. The Pekingese Club Of America was founded in 1909.
To Sum It Up
These dogs that come with big personalities can be watchdogs, great competitors in dog shows, amazing companions, and many more things. Just like their personality, these pooches come with a lot of coat colors.
We hope that this list of purebred Pekingese colors helped you a lot when it comes to the appearance of these pooches. Yes, it can get a bit confusing because there are different shades of colors that look similar.
If you have a favorite color of this breed, you can find a breeder who is an expert in a certain color. This might be a bit harder to find, but we are sure that you will love your pooch whatever its coat color might be.