How To Keep Ants Away From Dog Food:  5 Handy Tips And Tricks

How To Keep Ants Away From Dog Food:  5 Handy Tips And Tricks

You can use your own plastic containers or you can buy containers that are specifically made for pet food.

1. Keep Your Pet’s Food In Plastic Containers

After every meal, you need to clean both the feeding area and the bowl.

2. Always Keep Your Dog’s Bowl Clean

Guess who cannot swim? Ants, of course!

3. Create A Barrier With Water

After two hours, make sure to throw out any food that your dog has left in the bowl.

5. Remove Leftovers

Cornstarch will help separate the ants from your dog’s food.

6. Use Cornstarch To Remove Ants That Are Already In The Food

Anti-ant bowls that create a space between the floor and the dog’s bowl

7. Anti-Ant Bowl

The slippery surface will be unclimbable for ants.

8. Use Vaseline

Putting it around your dog’s bowl will make ants stick to the tape!

9. Use Sticky Tape