
Dog Swollen Stomach No Pain 9 Causes And How To Stay Sane


Bloat can be fatal for dogs if it does not resolve on its own or is left untreated. In those cases, it will progress into Gastric dilatation and Volvulus, both of which require a prompt reaction.

Gastric Dilatation -Volvulus

Bloat can be fatal for dogs if it does not resolve on its own or is left untreated. In those cases, it will progress into Gastric dilatation and Volvulus, both of which require a prompt reaction.

Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing's disease, is a hormonal disorder. A distended abdomen or pot belly is almost always present in dog’s with Cushing’s.


Abdominal pain is definitely present in peritonitis. The dog will definitely whine and assume the “praying position” to express a painful state.


Fluids leaking from another place and filling the empty space in the dog’s abdomen which makes bloated.


Without protein in the blood, fluid leaks can occur virtually anywhere in the body including the abdomen.


If your dog has an autoimmune disease or chronic infections that keep the immune system working overtime, glomerulonephritis is always a possibility.

Right-Sided Congestive Heart Failure

A right-sided congestive heart failure means that the blood that is supposed to go into the lungs for oxygenation spills back into the right atrium.


Worms live off of partially processed food in the intestine so puppies can get their nutrients taken away by these parasites.