Being one of the most popular dog breeds out there, it is no wonder that there are more than a few types of Golden Retrievers. I mean, if you like a certain brand of shoes, wouldn’t you like to see them in a few different types to choose from?
The Golden Retriever has become one of the most well-known dog breeds in the nation, and practically everyone has seen one walk by, or seen one on TV at least once.
There are numerous distinct types of Golden Retrievers to pick from despite the fact that there is only one breed of them. Their golden coats will make you at least think about getting one!
You may have not been aware until now that there are various types of Golden Retrievers. These breed types not only come from many nations, but they also have unique genetic features that can be used to distinguish them from one another.
Some may differ in their shades of gold, others by their activity levels, some even by their personality types. Sound interesting?
The Golden Retriever has been well recognized for being gregarious and obedient to its owner. It is a passionate retriever on everything fallen, thrown, or even disposed of in the laundry basket (such as socks!).
The breed routinely excels in field competitions, quickness, and conventional obedience, ranking as being one of the most attentive dog breeds. However, because they are readily distracted throughout earlier developmental efforts, Golden Retrievers might be challenging to train at first.
But, this can be attributed to the fact that they are just a baby, and that they feel the need to be playful and rebellious. Nevertheless, as they grow older, they will become happier to do whatever you tell them.
Types Of Golden Retrievers

Well, if you have thought that there are only three different types of Golden Retrievers, my friend, you are wrong.
Some people say that there are only three types of them; however, we can definitely agree upon the fact that there are more than three classifications.
Originally bred in Scotland, our favorite Golden Retrievers now come in various shades of golden. Aside from being part of the American Kennel Club, they have their own Golden Retriever club of America. The kennel club discusses the breed standard.
Those Tweed Water Spaniels bred with the old types of Golden Retriever breeds did make a wonderful dog breed with a well-rounded personality. Way to go, Mr. Tweedmouth!
The obvious classification goes by the geographical location of the breed, such as the American type, the Canadian type, and the British type. There aren’t any shocking differences in looks, more than different shades of gold, a stockier build, or a thinner build.
Dark gold, cream golden, or red, a Golden Retriever will always be a happy member of your family. All of these types of Golden Retrievers don’t have any major health issues aside from hip dysplasia, which is quite common in larger dog breeds.
With its household members, the pup is particularly playful and loving, and it is generally amiable with strangers and other dogs.
It is a safe bet that kids will go crazy about them and absolutely love them! When playing or exercising, they are spirited, but as it’s time to relax, they will become calmer.
Golden Retrievers are terrible guard dogs, yet they make decent watch dogs. Despite the fact that generalizations regarding dog breeds are well-known and generally accepted, certain canines may behave differently from other canines of the same type.
1. American Golden Retrievers

What is known is that Liberty, the dog owned by President Gerald Ford, introduced the American Golden Retriever to the world in the middle of the 1970s.
They continuously place among the top 10 breeds according to the American Kennel Club, particularly with families. According to Tamm, this variant typically has more “feathery” fur, and is leaner, less powerfully built, and more slender.
You undoubtedly picture the American Golden Retriever when you picture those recognizable eyes you’ve seen throughout classic movies or jogging past your neighborhood local pet shop with their owner. The breed’s American Golden is regarded as the gold standard.
Despite being always compared to their British and Canadian cousins, the American is the one that is widely known. Younger couples who like plenty of outdoor recreation, or families who have the opportunity to spend time engaging with them, make fantastic pets out of them.
They are so endearing that owners frequently struggle to leave them while running errands. They make best friends as well when you want to improve your mood. They are more affectionate than the other sorts, and you get along with them better than anyone else.
The English as well as the American Golden Retrievers are quieter, whereas Canadian Golden Retrievers are much more likely to be robust and almost always energized.
This might be the case because the English as well as Canadian dogs have been originally raised for labor, whereas the American canines were developed for companionship.
Simply expressed… the “American” in the name, American Goldens, comes totally from the place where they were bred.
2. Canadian Golden Retrievers

Archie Majoribanks, the founder’s son, acquired Golden Retrievers as early as the late 19th century, according to the Golden Retriever Club of Canada, although the very first Canadian golden was registered in 1927.
According to Tamm, you can tell them apart as they frequently have a finer coat, are taller, and are darker in color compared to the others.
The coat of a Golden Retriever, these wonderful guide dogs, comes in various shades. Even while they can have a coat in a variety of gold tones, they typically have a tawny golden hue similar to the British Golden Retriever. Additionally, they have a darker coat than American Golden Retrievers have.
The majority of Canadian Golden Retrievers possess a beautiful coat, with a few white hairs on their chest. White and gray hairs, among other aging-related hues, are typically not considered faults.
Although perhaps not as energetic as their American cousins, they are nonetheless very spirited dogs. For them to be happy, regular runs and lengthy walks are necessary. They enjoy being outside where they can release their energy.
They make wonderful buddies, and are terrific swimmers, thanks to their high level of physical activity, making them ideal for households with young children. Canadian Golden Retrievers should be allowed to run free in your back yard, and be taken to playgrounds.
Especially devoted to their family, Canadian Golden Retrievers guard them fiercely. They are kind to kids, and are adept at acting in a protective capacity.
Even to strangers, they are sociable and pleasant, but because of their protective instinct, they can become violent when they perceive danger. They enjoy being around people, wag their tails whenever they’re with them, and will even accompany you all around the house.
3. British Golden Retrievers

The British Golden Retriever was “raised by British nobles to be a double-purpose dog, able to recover ducks and highland game birds, and also to serve as a friend.”
According to the United Kennel Club, Tamm observes that this golden has a full coat, a broader, shorter nose, as well as a blockier head in addition to being bigger and bulkier.
The British Golden Retriever possesses various distinguishing characteristics compared to the American counterpart. In comparison to the American line, the British one is larger and typically has bright colors. It is also more substantial and sturdy.
The British Golden Retriever seems to have a larger, more evenly proportioned head, shortened, waiver, and denser fur, and wider brown eyes.
Their big ears are low-jointed, and sit at eye height. In comparison to American Golden Retrievers, the British breed has a stronger, more muscular neck.
When it comes to temperament, British Golden characteristics are clearly defined. Although this breed tends to be calm and submissive, each dog has a unique temperament; thus, some dogs may be as hyperactive as their American relatives.
In comparison to American Goldens, British Goldens are less difficult to train, quieter, and more sophisticated.
The British line also has a tendency to put on weight; therefore, you need to only feed it high-quality food that is appropriate for its age, and that contains all the necessary nutrients.
However, you should also continually keep an eye on its body mass and calorie intake.
Therefore, you ought to refrain from feeding your Golden foods heavy in fat, and mandate regular exercise.
4. English Cream Golden Retrievers

Their name is derived from the nearly white hue of their thick fur. Although some claim that such Goldens are more uncommon, and have better personality types, coat color has nothing to do with personality. Their ancestry and upbringing will largely define their character.
There are several misconceptions about them as well, such as the notion that they aren’t actually Golden Retrievers or that they have finer personality types or are more unusual.
The pedigree and training of a dog are what actually count. Regardless of color, a dog is more likely to thrive and be well-tempered if their parents, great-grandparents, and so on were all the same.
Additionally, a dog that receives the right socialization as a pup is more likely to grow up to be at ease and self-assured rather than fearful or worried.
The issue for most Goldens is that they were carelessly produced by persons who were looking to make money from selling Golden Retriever puppies because their dogs were either ill, had questionable bloodlines, or were too closely connected.
Now, despite the numerous misconceptions about English Creams, it appears that there are certain realities as well.
They are also frequently on the pricey side; however, this could either be because premium breeders like this variety of Golden and charge more for it or because buyers value rarity more highly.
Pure English Cream Golden Retrievers seem to be more pricey than other varieties, and they feature heavy fur, a blocky face, and a heavyset body. Although a few breeders employ risky methods to produce this distinctive coloring, purchasing a Cream Golden Retriever requires caution.
5. Red Golden Retriever

With a few exceptions, the Red Golden Retriever is similar to all other Golden Retrievers. He has a deeper mahogany color, and a slightly shorter coat than a Golden Retriever.
Given that he was primarily developed for hunting, the Red Golden is significantly smaller than the typical Golden Retriever, and unquestionably more athletic. He is considered to be slightly more lively as a result, and needs slightly heavier exercise.
He is just as amiable, gregarious, and enjoyable to be around as the Golden Retriever despite a few distinctions. They can make excellent family dogs or careful field hunters and retrievers.
When the Red Golden Retriever was developed in the 19th century, it is thought that the Irish Setter, one among his predecessors, contributed to the coloring of his fur. Aside from the Irish Setter, many veterinarians and dog experts say that these dogs were crossed with Bloodhounds.
Red is the typical coat color of the Irish Setter, and indeed, the Golden Retriever has also acquired this hue. The Irish Setter comes in two additional colors: chestnut, and brown.
The Golden Retriever’s coat gradually turns virtually white or dark red as it ages; meanwhile, the Red Golden Retriever, with the exception of some few gray hairs, retains his rich mahogany color all of his life.
The Red Golden and the Lab are comparable in that they both can be found in many red tones, whereas the Lab is known as the “fox red” lab.
So, if you’re considering having a Golden Retriever, and would like something a little special, the Red Golden Retriever seems to be unquestionably something to consider. His stunning color will catch everyone’s attention, and will undoubtedly spark positive conversation.
Read more: Irish Setter Growth chart
6. Black Golden Retriever

Black Golden Retrievers have been distinguished by their mysterious dark coat, which, in fact, does hold some secrets. And, you know what the main secret is? There isn’t a black type of Golden Retriever, and it is not regarded as a cousin or a separate breed of the Golden either.
While they are a sort of Golden Retriever, much like the other canines on this list, they are really not purebred, contrary to what some people think, and their coat color isn’t the consequence of a genetic mutation.
Genetically speaking, it is impossible to have a Black Golden; thus, any that you have seen were probably crossed with some other breed… perhaps a Black Labrador, a Scottish Terrier, or a Newfoundland dog?
If a breeder says they are breeding black Golden Retrievers, they might merely be attempting to sell “exclusive Golden Retrievers” to generate some additional cash.
Mini Golden Retrievers and English Cream Golden Retrievers may both have the same issue, but English Cream Golden Retrievers will still be Golden Retrievers; they just have a fancier pseudonym and lighter coloration.
Golden Retrievers having a black coat do not really exist; thus, you should be wary of anyone who claims to have one for sale because they may be acting out of self-interest. A breeder of companion dogs should always prioritize healthiness over color while you are assessing them.
Due to their similar appearances, sometimes people can mistake the Flat-Coated Retriever for a Black Golden Retriever. Goldens are substantially larger than Flat-Coats, though. They also have various head sizes and types of coat.
The energetic and devoted Flat-Coated Retriever is a wonderful dog. As a result, they are too dependent, and necessitate a lot of care and exercise. They make the ideal family pet because they are also kid-friendly and family-oriented.
7. Show Golden Retriever

The show Golden Retrievers seem generally softer and friendlier than the field Golden Retrievers. They are kinder retrievers because their main goal is to please. These canines are adaptable, kind, and loving.
The show Golden Retriever is kind with youngsters, and gets along well with various animals. Compared to the field ones, these retrievers need more care.
They spend more time near people. If these dogs don’t receive the best attention possible, personality changes like despair and hostility may occur.
They are perfect for indoors because they serve the dual purposes of showcasing beauty and usefulness. They have a particular personality that gives them the appearance that assessors at conformation dog shows anticipate.
Since they are not compelled to accomplish jobs or engage in activities, show dogs will be much less lively.
They demonstrate the larger, bulkier, and fuller body. The weight range for male show Golden Retrievers is 75 to 85 pounds, and their height is 22 to 24 inches. On the other hand, females are typically around 65 to 75 pounds, and 22 inches tall.
The body of the show retrievers are constructed to require less effort altogether, and to have a more balanced body. To produce distinctive show dogs, their skull is more prone to being blocky.
The breeder’s preference for breeding show dogs with a distinctive and exceptional gait will largely determine the body type of Golden Retrievers used for competitions. These canines also have a stronger, bigger, and majestic tail.
8. Field-Bred Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers were initially good for hunting and retrieving, and field Goldens embody that. Field-bred Goldens are athletic and commonly more motivated than other types of Goldens. They belong to the lesser end of the golden size spectrum.
Their coat, which can be gold to red, is often shorter. As long as they are well-trained and given a task to complete, they are excellent at retrieving, and they make wonderful family pets.
Given that they were developed to use their mouth to acquire objects, they may also be fairly mouthy. To be precise, field Goldens are simply a particular breed of Golden Retriever. Golden Retrievers that have been conformed for shows are the antithesis of field-bred retrievers.
Regarding their objective, these retrievers’ personalities vary greatly. The field Golden Retrievers are more motivated and spirited since they are outdoorsy canines that like to get dirty in the fields, and roam around a lot.
These dogs love a variety of activities, including swimming and running as they were designed to chase in the field. These enthusiastic and active dogs require frequent exercise to maintain their happiness and health, even as they age.
The energetic, quick, and athletic field-bred Golden Retrievers don’t really perform well when kept inside all day. They may become restless and destructive if kept inside. These dogs are sweet and kind despite their propensity for mouthiness and rough play.
Field Golden Retrievers primarily serve as working dogs; hence, they stand on the lower end of the retriever canine size scale. They are more nimble when swimming as well as when retrieving shot birds than show dogs because of their thinner physique.
When doing their tasks on the field, working dogs seem to be more athletic. As a result, the physique of field Golden Retrievers are strong, substantial, and muscular. Their body is slender, and their wedge-shaped head makes it easy for them to perform sports.
9. Mini Golden Retriever

You have probably heard of mini, standard, and giant Schnauzers. But, when it comes to types of Golden Retrievers, there isn’t any kind of mini Golden Retriever out there.
However, some breeders had a tendency to mix other purebred dog breeds together with the Golden Retriever to make a smaller, yet equally well-tempered version of this canine.
Although several breeders are individually working on it, the Miniature Golden Retriever has yet to become a legitimate dog. It is now a hybrid of the Golden Retriever, Cocker Spaniel, and Poodle, which are all three breeds, but at varying developmental stages.
The best approach to assess a mixed breed’s disposition is to research every breed involved, and be aware that breeds can produce any combination of characteristics. Multigenerational crosses are frequently bred by breeders.
Many people confuse the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Golden Retriever, and dub the result “Golden Cavalier”, often known as a Petite Golden Retriever.
Since these mixes are particularly interesting to people in America, the Mini Golden Retriever’s first country that it was ever born into or lived in is America.
There aren’t any breed standards or AKC breed standards that are known for this dog breed since it is a recently-made crossbreed.
The Golden Retriever is regarded as a designer dog breed because it is crossed with just another type of dog to produce a miniature form. However, they cannot be documented with the American Kennel Club.
This puppy is unique because it will resemble a Golden Retriever in miniature form. They will retain all of the breed’s best qualities, including tenderness and friendliness.
Final Word
The various types of Golden Retrievers’ coat varieties definitely span a stunning spectrum!
You might initially think it’s difficult to tell them apart because numerous lineage strains influence their color tones. However, there are many other distinctions that tell them apart, such as personality traits, energy levels, as well as their size.
American Golden Retrievers typically have a more honey-colored coat, which is a little more accurate to what people typically think of as “golden.”
The three color varieties of Canadian Golden Retrievers are often the darkest, sometimes with a little more red. Standard English cream-colored Goldens with a hint of blond are rather common.
What I want you to remember is that Black Golden Retrievers do not exist. They are nothing but Golden Retrievers being mixed with some other dog breeds that are black, such as the Newfoundland dog.
Also, note that mini Golden Retrievers can pretty much be a scam. The breeder selling those might either be selling the runts of the litter, or can be crossing Golden Retrievers with some other smaller dog breeds in order to achieve the miniature size.
Goldens are usually the type of dogs that are always happy to be around their family, friends, as well as strangers. They won’t be the best guard dogs out there; however, Golden owners say that you won’t experience unconditional love until you have your first Golden Retriever.
Their positive attitudes, and their willingness to please their owner will be something that prevails in their personality. Charming and loving, this dog breed is everything a future dog owner may search for.
But, have in mind that no two Goldens are alike neither in terms of body type nor appearance. All differ in terms of intellect, temperament, and wellbeing… much like humans.