Did you know that there are some dog breeds that just don’t like talking too much? Aside from their occasional barking, howling, growling, or yelping, they just don’t feel like wasting their vocal cords.
Sounds interesting?
Good, because I’m about to reveal fifteen least talkative dog breeds in the world. Let’s see whether your puppy is on the list!
#1 The Great Dane Is Great At Being Silent

Aside from their mellow and friendly character, as well as the fact that these pooches get along with kids greatly – Great Danes don’t exactly bark much.
Quite the opposite – these doggos simply enjoy a smooth, low-key atmosphere when they are inside a house.
On the outside – they are true athletes, though!
#2 Bulldogs Don’t Make Sounds Except When They Snore

Aside from the fact that the majority of Bulldogs snore during their sleep – these medium-sized canines won’t make much noise. Even their snoring is not a part of their character, but a natural disordered respiration, according to Hendricks et al. 1
If I can tell you one thing with certainty about these wrinkled boys and girls, it would definitely be that these pooches are the right choice for families with a less active lifestyle.
Why is that?
Well, simply because Bulldogs are known as dogs of not so many activities. They cuddle, sleep, and love, but they’re not very enthusiastic about exhaustive exercise. Nor are they capable of it.
#3 Aside From Yodeling, You Won’t Hear Much From The Basenji

If you’re a proud Basenji owner, then you must’ve heard about their glorious yodeling. But, that’s it because these miniature hounds won’t exactly talk too much.
Even in times of their ultimate aloofness, they tend to be extremely discrete and polite. On the other hand, their level of activity negatively correlates with the fact that Basenjis are, indeed, small dogs.
They may be discrete and all, but they will most definitely know when and to whom to direct their aggression.
#4 The Pug Is A Quiet, Royal Boy

They may be ancient and royal, but Pugs are a super-popular dog breed on the soil of the United States. The reason why these small canines have so many admirers is their naturally calm character.
Unlike their other popular counterparts, such as Labs and Goldies, Pugs are perfect for an indoor, apartment, big-city life. They don’t create much noise, and they definitely don’t ask for too much activity.
The downside, though, is their brachycephalic nature. According to Fawcett et al 2, this respiratory disorder is a true challenge in terms of high-intensity activities. But, even then, there happens to be a 193% increase in Pug registration since 2007.
What can I say? Dog enthusiasts just dig these Chinese beauties!
#5 Bernese Mountain Dogs Fight Off The Enemies Silently

Among the mountain dog breeds – Bernese canines are probably the quietest. But, definitely in a good way!
You may think that their natural temperament is far from gentle and polite, but you would be wrong. These large boys love spending their quality time with families, and doing some cool, outside activities.
Aside from their natural aloofness with strangers, and the fact that they need a good portion of exercise on a daily basis – they are not high-maintenance at all.
On the positive note, with proper socialization and adaptation, they can be excellent housemates.
#6 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Are, Indeed, Quiet Cavaliers

It is factual that palace life has made true cavaliers out of these miniature, long-eared pooches.
But, wait… that’s not all!
Aside from their natural politeness and kindness, these pooches will never interrupt your speaking. They’re, indeed, good listeners. Apparently, those long ears are there for a reason!
With that in mind, you don’t need to worry about a Cavalier making excessive noise in the apartment. I mean, except when they’re having an intense argument with a watermelon!
#7 The Rhodesian Ridgeback Will Bark Only When Cornered

There are three amazing benefits of having a Rhodesian Ridgeback in your home.
First, all of these canines (and most of their mixes) make excellent family dogs that get along with children respectfully.
Second, if you’re looking for a proficient swimmer in your future dog – there it is! Rhodies are great both on the soil and in the water.
Third, they won’t make a noise unless really needed! Despite their naturally high prey drive, these boys will behave quite decently as house dogs, which is kind of everything you need in a family dog.
#8 The French Bulldog Is A Laid-Back Gentleman

Who says you can’t have a sassy family dog that happens to have minimum barking traits?
Well, Frenchie’s are here to prove you wrong!
Aside from their low aggression potential, Frenchies just love spending their off-time snoozing in their loved ones’ lap. And, that most certainly is not an easy job, even when you’re a cute, miniature, moderately-active pooch.
#9 The Newfoundland Is A Silent Giant

Here comes another silent giant! Besides their amazing coat colors, another really cool thing about Newfoundlands is that they tend to be low-key at all times. I mean, except when they’re fighting off intruders! But, even then, they will show some style.
Unlike many other watchdogs, these Canadian beauties are quite sociable. And, quite likable, too!
You may be intimidated by their extremely large body physique at first, but eventually they will make you a true Newfoundland enthusiast.
That’s not their fault. That’s just how they roll!
#10 Afghan Hounds Don’t Complain, Bark, Or Howl

Call them stubborn, but Afghan Hounds just know how to make you love them! And, it’s not because of their amazing coat.
These large pooches are extremely friendly, social, and have a great way with kids.
Unfortunately, their biggest setback is their intelligence. According to Coren 3, these doggos are not exactly the most intelligent dogs in the world. Quite the contrary – they rank very high on the list of the most difficult dogs to train.
Other than that, their fashionable appearance and their ultimate coat colors make them quite desirable.
#11 Dalmatians Are Too Busy Counting Their Spots

Calm and gentle, these fire dogs make excellent napping buddies on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
That’s right!
Dalmatians are not only one of the greatest exercise companions you can have, but they also know how to behave inside a house.
There’s only one scenario in which Dalmatians make excessive noise, and that’s lack of daily exercise. As a responsible owner, you should never skip their regular routine as these boys need activity to remain as healthy and athletic as needed.
#12 The Akita’s Words Are Just Too Precious To Be Wasted

Whether you deal with the Japanese or American Akita – the outcome is the same. Both of these types deserve a place on the list of the least talkative breeds in the world.
They just don’t feel the utmost need to vocalize their emotions. They will rather do it through physical touch or their own mannerisms.
Generally, their biggest trait is their natural, raw intelligence, which helps owners socialize and train these royal dogs. Yes, they can be aggressive at times, but the truth is Akitas that are properly trained are more than wonderful dogs.
After all, you all remember the movie, Hachi, right?
#13 “Aristocrats Don’t Bark And Yell” Is The Borzoi’s Life Motto

Now, here’s one really cool Russian doggo! I know that history says these pooches initially belonged to aristocrats, but that’s not everything they have to offer.
They will run, fool around, take a nap, and frolic with you in a park, but there is one thing the Borzoi will rarely do – bark.
It’s not something they intently do… that’s just who they are! And, due to that, you get to enjoy your Borzoi’s company whether you live in the country or in a small apartment in a city.
#14 The Shiba Inu Is Another Silent Gentleman From The Far East

I really couldn’t say who would win the “Akita Inu vs. Shiba Inu” battle, but there’s one thing that I can tell you with certainty – Shibas, as well as their Akita counterparts, are not here to bark pointlessly!
It probably has something to do with their Far-Eastern temperament, but these doggos are true, polite gentlemen.
Yes, there are times when their stubbornness is on display, but even then their level of barking or howling is minimum.
#15 The Australian Shepherd Is The Quietest Livestock Protector

Last, but not least – the famous Australian Shepherd is the ultimate shepherd dog.
For one thing – these pooches don’t bark too much! They might lick your hand or even sit on you in order to communicate, but they will rarely turn on their vocal cords.
I mean, taking care of cattle is a complicated job, so they probably might need to bark every now and then, but that’s it!
This particular trait is the reason why these doggos are on top of the list of the most desirable shepherd dog breeds – family-dog-wise speaking.
Have you found your silent puppy yet?
Well, I believe that the list I have conducted was at least informative and entertaining, if nothing else.
In the end, I would like to emphasize that all of the dogs from this list are different in terms of their character, temperament, social skills, and trainability level.
Even though they share the common trait of being quiet, that doesn’t magically mean that they are long-lost brothers and sisters. But, they’re definitely worth spending every nickel for!
Read more: 24 Medium-Energy Dog Breeds That Might Be Suitable For You
- Hendricks, J.C., Kline, L.R., Kovalski, R.J., O’Brien, J.A., Morrison, A.R., Pack, A.I. (1985). The English Bulldog: A Natural Model Of Sleep-Disordered Breathing. J Appl Physiol. DOI
- Fawcett, A., Barrs, V., Awad, M., Child, G., Brune,l. L., Mooney, E., Martinez-Taboada, F., McDonald, B., McGreevy, P. (2018). Consequences and Management of Canine Brachycephaly in Veterinary Practice: Perspectives from Australian Veterinarians and Veterinary Specialists. Animals (Basel). DOI
- Coren, S. (1994). “The Intelligence of Dogs: A Guide To The Thoughts, Emotions, And Inner Lives Of Our Canine Companions.” New York: Bantam Books.