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13 Dogs Before And After Haircuts That Are Simply Hilarious

13 Dogs Before And After Haircuts That Are Simply Hilarious

We all know how important grooming is for dogs. But, what happens when grooming goes wrong? We get hilarious-looking pups!

And, no… it’s not funny to see a shaved Husky or a Shih Tzu styled like a middle-aged woman. 

Grooming should be done by professionals or at least by people who actually know what they’re doing. 

You don’t want your dog to be the laugh of the park like these 13 funny pooches, do you?

Come take a look and see the funniest dogs before and after haircuts. Laugh’s guaranteed!

1. Where Did The Fluffiness Go?

white dog before and after haircut
Photo from: Pinterest

No one can make me believe this is the same dog! Where did the white fluff disappear? The dog on the right HAS to be a sheep.

RELATED: 52 White Dog Breeds – Meet The Magical & The Pure Floofs

2. From Fluff To Stahp

poodle dog before and after haircut
Photo from: Pinterest

Of all the Poodle haircuts in the world, he just had to look like a rabbit on steroids. Kudos to the groomer. It’s not easy to make such a ridiculous frizz.

3. The “Karen” Of All Hairstyles

small white dog before and after haircut
Photo from: Pinterest

The photo of this pooch has only one explanation. The owner just waltzed in and asked the groomer to make his pup look like a “Karen”. We all know Karens, right?

4. Aging Not-So-Well

brown dog before and after haircut
Photo from: Pinterest

I said shorter around the ears… Guess the groomer didn’t hear me. Now, I look like a middle-aged man.

5. The Before Photo Is Not Needed

husky dog with bad haircut
Photo from:

And this, folks, is why you never shave a Husky. He can’t even look at himself in the mirror. The one thing worse than a shedding Husky is a Husky that cannot shed.

RELATED: Do Huskies shed?

6. The New Look

goldendoodle dog before and after haircut
Photo from:

I’m naming this one the girl scout lewk. The bandana and the scrunchie really turn my attention from the shaved Goldendoodle body.

RELATED: Shaved Goldendoodle: A Trend To Skip Or Not?

7. What The Fluff ?!

dog before and after haircut looking funny
Photo from: Pinterest

This has to be Photoshop! Right? Right?

8. A Slightly Bigger Rat

shih tzu dog before and after haircut
Photo from: @hairinthe509

When quarantine hits hard, you have to find alternatives. Needless to say that you shouldn’t groom a Shih Tzu at home. It’s now a Shi* Tzu.

RELATED: Shih Tzu Haircuts: 24 Hairstyle Ideas For Your Pet

9. A Schnoodle? No, This Is A New Hybrid!

small white dog before and after haircut
Photo from: @weezyw

If you’re still not convinced to skip grooming at home, here’s another valid point. I call this a hybrid of a hybrid. 

10. Order A Dog Off Aliexpress, They Say…

dog before and after haircut
Photo from:

The photos were realistic. But, what came in the mail proved once and for all: Aliexpress lies to us. 

11. Oh, It’s Just An Old Photo Of Me

dog before and after grooming looking funny
Photo from: Pinterest

When you turn dog years to human years, you get a huge number. I don’t know… this is some kind of a Benjamin Button case…

cute small dog before and after haircut
Photo from:

Come on… they have to be related to bunnies! If not, then what’s in this photo?

13. Not Sure If I Like It Or Not

white dog berfore and after grooming
Photo from:

I don’t know… it’s kinda boxy, don’t you think?