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Woman Who Lost Her Dog Decides To Foster A Pup But Then Something Surprising Happened

Woman Who Lost Her Dog Decides To Foster A Pup But Then Something Surprising Happened

Anyone who has ever had a dog in their life knows how heartbreaking it is to lose them. One day, they are there with you, and then the next, your life has suddenly turned upside down.

Your beautiful furry companion is no longer there. You want them to be, but that’s impossible. Trying to heal from this loss is hard and everyone who went through this knows that.

Erin Yarbrough, a law student from California, was in a similar situation. She lost her best friend, Sonny, after he was in an accident.

While his loss was really difficult to process, Erin thought it would be impossible for her to get over his loss, but then something happened that changed everything.

Meet Sid

For Erin, Sonny was everything. Her dog changed her life in more ways than she can describe and his loss was devastating.

She told Best Friends Animal Society: “He was such a special light in a world that is often quite dark. I often say he was my emotional support animal. That’s a simple term, but he was really everything to me. He was my waking up. He was my going to bed.

While her loss was making it difficult for her to move on, she felt that she needed to do something. Something was pulling her to try and help other dogs.

She knew that Sonny would want her to help other pups and give them a chance to find a new family and a home.

She continues by saying: “So many times he would get me out of bed when I was too depressed to move. He would, you know, lick away my tears. And he would bring me so much joy and comfort. I think he was telling me that I need to give what he gave to me.

So, Erin decided to look around the area to see if any dogs needed her help, and she found one. It was a dog named Sid.

He was at the Best Friends Lifesaving Center in California. The online profile said that he was a really big dog and in need of a foster home.

He Is A Very Compassionate Dog

This was a great opportunity for Erin, so she and her boyfriend went to pick him up. At first, she felt a little guilty. In her mind, it was a little bit like she was replacing Sonny.

But, that was not the case. She was simply helping a pup in need and that was all that mattered. 

She said: “He is very confident, not timid at all. He went into the kitchen, then came back out. He looked at me, wagged his tail, and then went around the couch sniffing. He was like, can I get on the couch? I said yes, you can get on the couch.

Even though Sid was now in his new foster home, he wasn’t shy at all. He made himself comfortable right away and he made sure to let everyone know it.

Erin bought him some new toys and gave him some treats. He enjoyed all of this new attention he was being given and he looked really happy.

She noticed how Sid snores during his sleep, so she renamed him Spud. Even though Erin is still hurt from losing Sonny, Spud has made it easier to bear.

Anytime the pain would be too much, Spud reacted. Erin said: “He’ll suddenly interrupt me if I’m crying and bring over this big rope (toy). And then he waddles away and brings back something else.

Even though the pain that she feels won’t go away soon, it’s absolutely heartwarming to know that she has a pup like Spud who is helping her go through all of this. He is such a sweet and compassionate dog and I hope he finds a wonderful home.