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Woman From Texas Wondered Why Her Husband Didn’t Want A Dog Only To Learn Something Heartbreaking

Woman From Texas Wondered Why Her Husband Didn’t Want A Dog Only To Learn Something Heartbreaking

Alexina Bonnaventure has always liked the idea of having a dog. Her husband, however, did not share her enthusiasm. 

The two went back and forth discussing the idea of adding a four-legged member to their family, but something always seemed to come up.

Anthony, the husband, often claimed it wasn’t a good time or that he really didn’t want a dog. However, as it turned out, the real reason was far more serious…and far more heartbreaking!

She Thought He Didn’t Like Animals, But Was Wrong

Alexina, Anthony, and Stilton, their Aussie Shepherd, are a happy little family living in Texas. However, the road to this joy was everything but easy.

Before adopting Stilton, the couple had another dog, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who crossed the rainbow bridge at the age of fifteen. After that, the family lived pet-free all because Anthony was still unsure about adopting a new canine.

“For as long as I remember he was always against us having a dog. At first I thought it was because he didn’t like animals but that was not the case,” Alexina wrote in the video posted on Stilton’s official Instagram account.

In 2020, Anthony finally relented and the couple ended up adopting their Aussie companion, which turned out to be the best decision they ever made.

Stilton immediately acclimated to the family, becoming the center of attention and the real entertainer. Even Anthony, who had been opposed to the idea of having a dog all along, became inseparable from Stilton.

It was truly remarkable to see a man who once refused to be “a dog person” now bond with his four-legged canine. But then, his wife revealed the real reason behind his resistance in an Instagram video and it was truly heartbreaking!

As it turns out, Anthony did not want a new dog because he wasn’t sure how he would react when the day came to part ways with it.

“It wasn’t because he didn’t like dogs or because he couldn’t take care of one, or even because they are messy and loose a lot of fur. It’s because he knew he would fall so deeply in love he wouldn’t be able to imagine a life without one,” she added.

The video soon went viral, melting the hearts of thousands who completely understood Anthony’s concern. He was not cold-hearted or “too lazy” to take on dog chores. He was simply way too emotional. A real dog owner, I should say!

Stilton Stole His Heart

This Texas family has found its pace with Stilton, and it’s truly amazing.

The trio lives life to the fullest, experiencing all kinds of adventures with their four-legged companion. They travel together, go on walkies, take exciting hikes, and even take Stilton to coffee shops for delicious puppuccinos.

Once totally against the idea of bringing this fluffy, pawdorable creature into their lives, it’s safe to say that Stilton has officially stolen his dad’s heart

The two are inseparable, have a special place in their hearts for each other, and aren’t intending to slow down any time soon!