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Woman Drove 18 Hours From Ohio To Surprise Her Senior Dog And His Reaction Is Just Heartwarming

Woman Drove 18 Hours From Ohio To Surprise Her Senior Dog And His Reaction Is Just Heartwarming

We’ve spoken many times about how dogs are just the best companions for humans and how perfect they are at reading our emotions.

They can always sense when we need them and they are there for us. They will comfort us and that always makes us feel better by the end of the day.

Now, imagine a scenario where a dog has lived a full life and is in his senior years. Even though his senses have dulled a little, he still loves seeing his favorite humans.

That’s Reilly’s story. He is a sweet Chihuahua who has lived an amazing life with his owners. 

But, as he got older, his favorite person, Jane Helffrich, couldn’t see him regularly anymore, so she decided to surprise him with a visit.

Big Surprise For Reilly

The dog is sitting on the cutting board next to the woman
Source: Tiktok

Even though Jane now lives in Ohio, her family had to take Reilly with them to Florida. Reilly is one of five siblings and he just loves relaxing.

Now that he’s a lot older, he doesn’t really have the energy to play a lot, but he still enjoys spending time with his favorite humans.

So, at one point, Jane decided to visit her favorite dog so she drove 18 hours straight to Florida so she could see him.

When she got in the house, she saw that Reilly was sleeping on the couch, so she placed her camera near him and turned from him to see if he would notice.

The dog played with the woman on the couch
Source: Tiktok

The moment she sat down on the couch, the pup noticed a familiar smell. He got up and turned around to see his favorite person standing behind him.

Immediately, he gave her a big hug, and they were both so happy to see each other. It was a very heartwarming moment for the family.

When Jane’s family first adopted Reilly, he was a very outgoing and sweet dog. He knew that he was important to his new family, so he established himself as the king of the house.

Reilly Is So Precious

gray and white puppy
Source: Tiktok

He loves the attention, even now that he’s older. Even though he spends most of his time relaxing and napping, he does like to occasionally bark at the cars outside.

The two of them have 15 years of precious memories together. However, when Jane went to college, things changed quickly. They could no longer see each other regularly.

Her mom noted that Reilly was really sad and would just mope around. He missed his favorite person and that was really hard for him.

Anytime she came home, Reilly’s excitement would go through the roof. This made Jane realize even more just how special their bond is. 

A gray and white puppy is sitting on the sidewalk
Source: Tiktok

And, that isn’t changing with time. Jane noted that when Reilly got older, he had to be hand-fed, but he always wanted Jane to feed him.

Sometimes, when she was supposed to come home, he would outright refuse to be fed by anyone other than her. He would wait for Jane to come in and feed him.

Even though the two of them are separated, Jane notes that what makes all their reunions special is knowing that he is going to want to spend time with her 24/7.

It’s really wholesome to see just how one pup can impact our lives. Jane is living proof of that. They make our lives better and more fulfilling.

@gingerhaaze I walked in and he was fast asleep so I figured id record this moment 🥺❤️ #souldog ♬ were going to be friends – speedylyric