A long-time employee of the Dog Shelter once said that the shelter is the worst place for dogs. Unfortunately, it is still necessary for some because it represents that one big step towards a forever home.
It is very difficult for dogs because their natural place is a forever home and they crave the attention and love of their favorite hooman.
They don’t give up love and happiness so easily, even in such circumstances, but instead, they fight against loneliness, and they can find some very endearing ways of doing that.
The Bond That Kept Them Alive

When Sophia, a beautiful white dog full of positive energy, arrived at the Tri-Cities Animal Shelter in Pasco, Washington, she did everything not to feel lonely and miserable there.
Although this was not always possible, whenever she could, she would raise the atmosphere with her positive energy, not only for herself, but also for other pups.
So, she managed to find a brilliant way to feel at least a little love and attention while she was in the shelter, and at the same time, cheer up the one next to her.
Shelter volunteer, Julia Saraceno, one day witnessed a scene in the shelter that really melted her heart. Sophia popped her head over the wall, where her dog neighbor, Duke, was waiting to give her a supportive nudge.
Saraceno actually noticed this when she went to make a video of Duke, but what she ended up recording was much better. Shelter dogs comfort each other by touching noses over their kennels.
“It’s touching to see two dogs find comfort in each other,” Julie Saraceno, a shelter volunteer, told The Dodo.
Of course, she also shared the video she recorded with her followers on Instagram, and it quickly attracted a large audience.
In The End, They Broke Up, But Remained In Each Other’s Heart

Saraceno did not expect a relationship between these two dogs because they had completely different personalities.
“Sophia is a loveable goofball and enjoys leaning her entire body into you for pets,” Saraceno said. “Duke is more serious, but lets his softer side out occasionally.”
However, it has been shown once again that differences attract, as the calm and shy Duke was clearly charmed by Sophia’s affection and positive energy.
“Sophia was desperate for a doggy friend!” Saraceno said. “We think she eventually wore Duke down with her persistence and gorgeous Dumbo ears.”
Unfortunately, the moment of parting had to come soon no matter how quickly their relationship reached its peak.
After about a month, Sophia got her forever home in Washington and a happy family that is blessed with her positive energy from now on.
However, we are sure that Duke, who made her so happy during the difficult days at the shelter, still remained in her heart.
Although we would have all liked this couple to have been adopted together, we believe that Sophia will enjoy the warmth of her new home and that Duke will soon find his happy place.