Merle French Bulldog:  5 Facts About  The Mottled Charmer

What Is A Merle Frenchie?

The term merle refers to a specific coat pattern – mottled or smeared patterns with different colors.

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Sturdy Appearance

Merle and all other French Bulldogs inherit a compact appearance, with muscular and heavy bone substance.

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Interesting Genetics

The “merle gene” is responsible for rare colors and patterns, and a dog can either have the merle allele or a non-merle allele.

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Pricey Pups

Merle French Bulldog puppies with this color are very expensive, in spite of the fact that they are not officially recognized by the AKC.

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Health Problems

The most common health issues of merle Frenchies are deafness (or hearing impairment) and blindness (or visual impairment).

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