7 Fun Facts About The German Shepherd Chihuahua Mix

1. Size

The German Shepherd Chihuahua mix is a very rare, small to medium size crossbreed.

2. Appearance

The GSD Chihuahua mix can have a GSD shaped head and Chihuahua ears!

3. Coat Colors

The GSD Chihuahua mix puppies can be of any of the colors that the parents are - from black to tan!

4. Personality Traits

The German Shepherd Chihuahua mix can be very stubborn, sassy, and diva-like pooch that is loyal to the bone!

5. Proper Socialization

Without socialization, this dog breed will have problems with un-learning unwanted behavior.

6. Good Working Dog

The GSD Chihuahua mix can have the ability and instincts to be a good working dog.

7. Possible Health Issues

The GSD Chihuahua mix only carries some potential health conditions like hip dysplasia and obesity.