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Volunteer Checks On Dog, Only To Be Shocked By How She Expresses Her Emotional Breakdown

Volunteer Checks On Dog, Only To Be Shocked By How She Expresses Her Emotional Breakdown

A shelter environment, no matter how calming or endearing, is never ideal for dogs. The very concept of being locked in a small enclosure for part of the day can be enough to overwhelm our four-legged friends.

They go out, meet new volunteers and dogs, have a blast during playtime, and then are returned to their four-wall solitary confinement. Depressing, isn’t it? 

Mya, a resident of Halifax County Animal Control in Virginia, knows this better than anyone. 

After spending just a few months inside the shelter, this gorgeous Hound girl reached her breaking point…and the way she expressed it truly shocked her caregivers to the core!

She Didn’t Expect To See This

Marissa Emerman, a long-time volunteer at the Virginia shelter, recently took the internet by storm after she posted a video of one of their residents, Mya. 

Emerman was on her daily route in the shelter when she noticed a strange sight – Mya had somehow climbed up onto the railing of her crate. As Marissa looked closer, she realized that Mya had been observing her escape route.

Despite being naturally friendly and not demanding, Marissa attributed Mya’s ‘bold move’ to her emotional breakdown. The Hound girl had spent several months at the shelter, waiting for an ideal home, and had apparently developed a new skill: climbing – to cope with boredom!

“She’s officially reached her breaking point…Literally,” Marissa wrote in the video.

@our_zoo_for_you She’s ready for a home! #fyp #adoptme #adoptdontshop #jailbreak #sickofit #hounddog #shelterdog ♬ BIG DOG SH*T (feat. Lil RT) – Lil Mabu & Lil RT

Mya, being a Hound dog, mastered her skill during her prolonged stay, but what she really meant by climbing the railing was – “Please help me find my home soon!”

The video quickly went viral and the reactions from all around the world flooded the comment section in no time!

“Praying she finds her forever family,” one commenter wrote.

“Obviously very smart and needs a lot of mental stimulation! I hope she finds a great home that will keep her busy,” another added.

Mya has been removed to a covered kennel for her safety, but she still waits for the right chance. 

Many Four-Legged Friends Waiting To Be Adopted

Marissa, who runs a TikTok account called Shelter Tails that showcases the animals at Halifax County animal shelter, regularly posts captivating videos. 

Her only hope is that someone will eventually give these furballs in need the chance they truly deserve.

Mya’s case isn’t exclusive. According to Emerman’s videos, there are dozens of other dogs (and cats) on the brink of emotional breakdown who are constantly overlooked. 

Although they are well cared for and shown nothing but love, what all these animals have in common is their craving for a home of their own where they can run, play, and take cozy naps free of tiny enclosures.

Mya and her friends are still waiting. Are you the one to give them a chance?