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This ‘Unwanted Pup’ Showed That He Still Wants To Be Loved When He Met His New Mom

This ‘Unwanted Pup’ Showed That He Still Wants To Be Loved When He Met His New Mom

All that a sweet senior pup named Bullet wanted was to curl up on his parent’s lap and feel their love. And yet, he spent his time crouching in a tiny outdoor kennel, feeling lonely and rejected. 

Bullet kept hoping that his family would take him from his kennel and let him cuddle with them in their warm home.

After the pooch realized that his family didn’t want him anymore, he turned into a sad and frightened pup who gave up on himself.

Rescuers Come To Meet Bullet

black dog laying down
Source: The Dodo

When Rachael Sylvester, a dog rescuer, and her crew at Sidewalk Specials heard that there was a pup named Bullet who needed help, they went to meet him. 

They talked to the dog’s neighbors, and they found out that the pooch had an owner who didn’t want him anymore.

As the rescuers were approaching his tiny kennel, they kept thinking that they were about to meet a scary dog.

Once they took a peek inside the pup’s kennel, the sweetest dog was looking back at them. The sadness in his brown eyes broke their hearts.

Nobody cleared his kennel in a long time, and he hardly had any room to rest his head. 

The dog’s owner asked them to take Bullet away because he was now a senior, and they couldn’t take care of him. 

The rescuers tried to put a leash around his neck and take him with them, but Bullet froze and looked away. He was very frightened.

Sylvester managed to place a leash around his neck and pull him out of his kennel. She carried him in his arms, and he completely surrendered.

woman holding abandoned dog
Source: The Dodo

“Initially, I was actually, like, ‘Can he walk?’ Because he had that much freeze in him,” Sylvester told The Dodo.

Sylvester was determined to find him a loving retirement home.

She took him to the vet, where Bullet received a full medical checkup. Sylvester learned that the doggo had arthritis. His bones were very sore due to poor diet, old age, and cold winters that he spent outside. The vet prescribed him the necessary medication.

Finding The Love Of His Life

happy adopted dog
Source: The Dodo

Bullet was extremely kind, and he won the hearts of his rescuers, who changed his name to Noah. Sylvester was sure that the dog’s sweet personality would make someone fall in love with him. And, she was right. 

The delightful doggo stole the heart of Jacqui, a giant-hearted woman who already had five dogs in her care. She took Noah home and showered him with the love and care that he needed very much. 

woman kissing hers adopted dog
Source: The Dodo

After spending two to three weeks in his new home, the gentle pooch adapted well. He loved hanging out with his doggy siblings, and he learned a lot from them.

Noah adores his mom, and he follows her everywhere. When she is working at her desk, he stays close to her.

The adorable pup is much more mobile than before, and he enjoys going on walks with his mom. His beautiful eyes radiate with happiness, and he can’t stop smiling. 

“He’s just absolutely thriving. I love him to bits,” Jacqui told The Dodo.

Noah enjoys snuggling with his mama, and he sometimes falls asleep next to her. He feels safe and loved, knowing that he found his forever home.