Steve Greig is everything but an ordinary man. This accountant from Colorado has the most unique life mission ever. And, the kindest one!
Namely, he decided to dedicate his life to saving senior dogs from rescues that nobody wants anymore. After losing his own doggo years ago, a Pinscher, he adopted a senior Chihuahua, Eeyore, with a heart murmur and very serious limb problems.
And then, out of nowhere, the amazing story began…
It All Started With The Loss Of A Pet

Never in his life did Steve imagine that he’d end up rescuing senior dogs from shelters. However, his love for dogs developed when he was just a young boy.
During his childhood, Steve had a lot of pets in his family. But, the loss of one of his dogs later on in life was, in particular, heartbreaking for him…
“A month or two went by and I still felt so horrible about it. I decided that the only way I would feel better was if something good happened that probably wouldn’t have happened if he had not died.”
And then, something occurred to him. He went to a local shelter and decided to adopt “the least adoptable dog” he could find. In a way, he wanted to compensate for losing his furry companion by saving another dog’s life.
His adoptee was a twelve-year-old, sick Chihuahua, Eeyore. She had a heart murmur and bad knees at the moment of adoption, but it didn’t matter to Steve. He just wanted to provide one poor dog with a forever home.
From that moment on – Steve realized how good it felt to rescue an unwanted dog. Adopting Eeyore was a turning point in his life because he realized how adorable and grateful pets senior dogs are. And yet – everybody prefers adopting puppies.
One by one, Steve started adopting senior dogs all over the city. He now lives with ten senior dogs, breaking all the stereotypes and enjoying his furry friends’ company!

There Are Other Animals, Too
In Steve’s home – everyone’s welcome! Not only his senior, four-legged companions live there, but Steve’s house is also a home for Bikini, the pig, Cranberry, the turkey, Betty, the chicken, a couple of more ducks, and a rabbit.
In a very odd, yet compatible way, all of them together make a big, happy family.
According to him, senior dogs are really grateful pets that don’t demand much maintenance. Unlike puppies, juveniles, or adults – they’re calm, laid back, they don’t make much noise, and they nap a lot.
Sometimes, when his friends or family are over – it’s almost as if there are not ten dogs in the house.
They all have their own little corners in the house where they nap, rest, or simply lay down. And, on top of all that – they’re extremely pleasant and tolerant to be around!
Daily Chores Aren’t Easy
Sure, it’s not easy to take care of ten dogs. However, Steve finds his ultimate satisfaction in doing so.
“It’s a lot of work, it’s true. But, it’s definitely worth it! My life wouldn’t be the same without them!”
He feeds them, takes them for walks, plays with them, changes diapers for those that need them, provides them with toys, blankets, wheelchairs, beds, medicines, and everything else they need.
But, at the end of the day – he’s truly happy being able to do all of that. Making sure that his canines get the best life possible is his never-ending mission.
Feeding Can Take Some Time… And Money!
Feeding all of these dogs is not easy, especially taking into consideration the amount of food they eat altogether. On the other hand, it takes some time preparing different diets for each dog – but Steve manages it well.
Some canines, like his Chi Eeyore, need medicine on a daily basis. These dogs aren’t exactly in their prime years, so they need additional supplements and medicines for boosting their immune system and maintaining their health.
Still, none of this is a problem for this inspiring accountant – moreover, he’s happy to do it!
There Can Be Logistic Problems Sometimes
The funny thing is – there can be logistic problems sometimes. Sure, small canines can all fit in the bed or on the couch, but the Irish Wolfhound always needs to compensate. He either steals their spot before they even come, or, like all big brothers, lays down on the floor and guards them.
One thing is for sure – together, they make a beautiful pack!
The Happiest Pack Ever
Steve says that despite all the things they do during the day – hanging out in the house is their favorite!
“Our favorite part of the day is just hanging out together.”
After the chores are done, walks are walked, and food is eaten – they all just love sitting on the couch and enjoying each other’s company.