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Texas ER Nurse Warms Hearts After She Does Everything She Can To Save Stray Pup’s Leg From Amputation

Texas ER Nurse Warms Hearts After She Does Everything She Can To Save Stray Pup’s Leg From Amputation

Driving down a remote Texas road one summer afternoon, an ER nurse, animal lover, and social media star, Christina Mae, had no idea her life would change forever. 

Peeking out of the tall grass was a white fluff. Peeking her interest, Mae decided to get closer. That was when she realized that the white fluff was actually a lost puppy. 

Noticing that the pup’s face was looking confused and worried, Mae stopped her car and decided to approach him. Immediately, she noticed that the pup had a painful wound on his paw.

Without wasting a single second, she scooped up the pup, placed him in her car, and rushed him to her home.

Safe And Sound 

Naming him Max, Mae knew that as soon as they got home, she had to give him a nice and soapy bath. When he was nice and clean, she prepared him a warm nutritious meal as it was obvious that this sweet boy hadn’t eaten anything in a while. 

As he was walking around the house, Mae noticed that the pup was reluctant to place his weight on his back leg. She saw this as a clear sign that they needed to visit the vet as soon as possible. 

After a thorough medical assessment, the vets informed her that Max had a broken hind leg. They also told her that the best course of action would be to amputate the leg as soon as possible. 

Even though she already had a lot on her plate with her job and another pup back home, Mae simply couldn’t allow that to happen. So, even if she had no plans to adopt another pup, Max went home with her and has stayed ever since.

Road To Recovery

After some extensive research, Mae found out about a vet who thought that it would be possible to save Max’s leg with surgery. 

Without hesitation, Mae drove Max to the vet’s office, which was three hours away, and scheduled his first out of three surgeries. 

The road to recovery was long and tough, but with such an incredible hooman by his side and five months of intensive medical care, Max was finally a healthy boy!

Not only was he able to stand on all four of his paws, but he was also able to jump and run around as much as his heart desired. 

And, his family couldn’t have been more proud. 

It amazes me how big of an impact we can have on our furry friends. 

Mae was not only willing to stop her car and take this sweet boy into a warm home, but she also helped him become himself again. And, all this while having a smile on her face

It was so worth it! I know that whenever she sees Max goofing around, she is reminded of the difference she made in his life.