Every day, we see new cases of neglect and abandonment of poor helpless dogs. Aside from that, streets are also full of these furry beings who are left to fend for themselves.
However, the fact that there are so many cruel people who are willing to do these misdeeds does not mean that there are no good souls who are ready to do anything to help them.
A living example of that is Joey Tuccio, an experienced rescuer from Los Angeles, California, who has already saved so many dogs that he can not even remember them all.
He showed his kindness and willingness to help those who need it the most this time as well when he found a sick mama dog and her starving puppies.
Healing With Good Souls

Joey was heartbroken to hear that this dog had been living on the streets of Los Angeles, California for two years. He could immediately see in her appearance that she had been through so much.
Namely, this Pittie was in a terrible state and Joey and his fellow rescuers soon found out that she also gave birth to puppies. The most heartbreaking thing was that she wasn’t able to feed them because her nipples were infected, so they were starving.
There was no time to despair and they had to act immediately to save her and her babies. That’s why Joey and the rescuers from Starts With One Today went into action immediately and transferred her to the vet.
The doctors quickly provided her with the necessary treatment and she was soon feeling a bit better, but was still sad.

However, after this dog (named Lena) was released from the hospital, Joey knew that she was on the right path.
She was spending quality time with her puppies, cuddling with her rescuers, and generally enjoying every moment of her new, happier life.
Joey was over the moon because of such a turn of events, but as already mentioned, it was not his first time to experience such a feeling.
She Deserves a Happy Ending

Joey has been doing this rescue work for ten years and has saved almost two hundred dogs so far. In fact, Lena was actually the 200th dog to who this big-hearted man put a smile back on her face.
Nevertheless, he enjoyed this wonderful feeling again and again, and he was especially happy when he received the information that all of Lena’s puppies were adopted.
Now, all that was left for him was to find their mom a forever home so that this happy story would be complete. Given that it was his jubilee 200th rescue dog, he was especially motivated.
“Considering what she went through, she still loves people so much. She’s smart, she’s adorable. The ideal home for Lena would be a home with somebody that can be a little patient with her, which she’ll return with love and snuggles,” Joey stated at the end of his interview for The Dodo.