Imagine waking up in the morning only to realize there are two severely malnourished pitties waiting for food in your front yard.
The homeowners witnessed the scene, and they were shocked to see the hungry dogs. They looked weak and fragile and were barely hanging on.
Despite this, they kept wagging their tails at anyone they saw in hopes that they would find help that way. The disturbed neighbors quickly called for help and a kind rescuer answered.
They Won’t Suffer Anymore

When Joey was first notified about these sweet dogs that were starving in someone else’s yard, it took him no time to find the location in California.
He, too, couldn’t believe what he saw there. They looked like they hadn’t eaten in weeks. However, there was no time to waste.
The pitties were abandoned by their owner there and Joey was going to get them out of this horrible situation.
He told The Dodo: “It was getting really hot. But also, it wasn’t in the best area, so we really only had a few days to get a plan together.”

So, naturally, he gave them some food and love and went back to the shelter in California to get help. The very next day, they were back, and the two dogs greeted them with so much affection.
It was actually depressing to think how anyone could do something so horrifying to them despite the fact that they are clearly so sweet.
Joey, along with his partner, Victoria, quickly transported them to their car where they curiously looked around at anything. Their excitement was just so infectious.
Finally, Some Good News

Then, they were taken to a veterinarian clinic for a much-needed checkup. Once there, they again started staring at other dogs who were there. They wanted to make new friends.
The vets did a great job with the dogs. They gave them the necessary care and treatment they so desperately needed.
With combined efforts, they managed to help these sweet pitties recover and regain most of their weight. It was unbelievable. They changed so much so quickly.
Now that they were healthy and ready for adoption, Joey thought it would be best if he found them a foster home first where they could stay for a while.

The dogs, named Oreo and Buttercup, were able to find a temporary home after asking around the town.
Joey’s neighbor took in Oreo, and his friend, Marissa, decided to foster Buttercup. She said: “The second that Joey showed me that dog, I knew I needed to reach out.”
She gave this pittie the best care possible. Even though she regained most of her weight, she was still a bit skinny, and Marissa made sure she was on the best diet possible.
Buttercup Found A New Home

Her stay there was filled with so much affection and care and Buttercup loved her new foster mom. Because she wanted to give her the best chance of adoption, she thought about something.
Buttercup likely will need a pet trainer who would teach her how to behave, so she hired Rosie to do it.
Instances where a dog is sent back to the shelter because he is untrained are not uncommon, and this was a brilliant idea.

After spending some time with her, Rosie realized that she wanted to adopt Buttercup, and Marissa was over the moon about this.
She said: “I can’t believe that this poor, poor animal, was skin and bones, on the verge of death. She is going on car rides, she’s getting at-home baths. She is living her best life now.“
As for Oreo, we don’t have any information on his adoption status, but it is likely that he will stay in the foster home until he finds someone perfect. It’s so heartwarming to see that these two pitties have made it and I am glad they got the chance they deserved.