Dogs, our beloved friends, are known for their unwavering trust in humans. It takes something really big to make them doubt it, but once it’s gone, it is a truly challenging mission to restore it.
When Lambert, a senior Chihuahua, realized that he had been abandoned by his owners in a small desert town, he panicked. Then he waited. Then, he lost hope… completely!
Months passed, then years, but his owners never came back. This was the first time for him to experience a life full of uncertainties under an open sky.
He was all alone, with just a few good neighbors who provided him with food and water. But other than that, he had nothing. Not even his hope!
He Survived Thanks To Neighbors

Over the years, the volunteers at Hope For Paws, from Los Angeles, California, faced some really challenging rescues. Many of the dogs were extremely hard to capture, and Lambert was definitely one of them.
When they received a call about him roaming the local desert town, they rushed into action. Yet they didn’t think that he would be so distrustful and scared of humans.
According to the neighbors, Lambert had been around for the last three years. After abandonment, he simply shut down and accepted his fate. Luckily, thanks to a local community, he was at least provided with food so he wouldn’t starve.

Still, that wasn’t enough for this little boy to restore his faith in people again. Lambert was once let down by the ones that he loved the most, and now he was afraid of being hurt again.
When JoAnn Wiltz and Alex Babcock spotted him near an abandoned house, they tried their best to make a friendly approach. Seeing them getting closer, Lambert immediately ran away. The rescuers then tried a different strategy.
As Lambert ran circles around the house trying to avoid them, Alex and JoAnn set up fences to block his route.

A couple of moments later, he was cornered and stuck in a tiny little hole in the wall, trying his best to hide. He wasn’t ready to give in, but even that didn’t stop these kind-hearted rescuers from helping him.
They slowly put a leash around his neck, and when they finally had him secured, they scooped him up in a cozy blanket.
Here Comes A Second Chance

Lambert was shivering in fear the whole time until they arrived at the facility. He still wasn’t sure if the rescuers were there to help him or harm him, and he was on alert the whole time.
But then, as he received the nicest bath and felt gentle pats on the back, he realized: “Wait a minute, these hoomans are kind of cool!” For the first time in forever, he relaxed. And wagged his tail. And, if possible, he smiled!

The HFP team welcomed this sweet, abandoned boi with an open heart and made sure he received all the love and care needed.
Days into his arrival, he came out of his shell and started exhibiting his true personality.
Who could tell that underneath that timid posture and sad face was a real entertainer?
Yes, Lambert was exactly that! Despite his years, he was so full of life! And, now he was ready to live it free of his fear of abandonment.

The most amazing news arrived at the HFP’s address weeks later. Thanks to their partners at L A Animal Rescue, Lambert was gifted with a home and a beautiful family.
He now gets to make up for all those years spent on the streets and take on many exciting adventures with the ones who truly love him.
He runs free, plays, takes cozy naps, does zoomies around the house, and enjoys pretty much all the things one happy pup would enjoy. That’s right. He doesn’t slow down even for one bit because, for Lambert, age is just a number!