For the first time in her life, Monica experienced betrayal. After her owners left her in front of a restaurant, the puppy felt hurt and confused.
As she curled up at the door, the furbaby looked at the people with her eyes dimmed with sorrow. She was pleading them to show her kindness and love.
Unfortunately, the people ignored Monica and passed her by like she was invisible.
Since she spent hours waiting at the entrance of the restaurant, the canine began trembling from fear and cold.
Will anybody notice her as she lies at the door, feeling sad and rejected?
A Good Person Rushes To Help Her

A compassionate man who noticed the little scared puppy rushed to help her. He petted Monica, wishing to make her feel secure.
The good human fed Monica, but she refused to eat and avoided making eye contact. The pup kept staring in the distance with a wistful look on her face.
The man collected the pooch, put her in a cardboard box on a warm towel, and took her to the vet.
Monica received a complete examination. The pooch, who was estimated to be two months old, was infested with maggots.

Since her rescuer noticed that Monica was anxious, he caressed her, trying to console her.
After the vet cleaned the canine, they decided to leave her at the clinic overnight in order to monitor her.
The next day, the puppy felt better and she was ready to be discharged.
Wishing to give her the best possible care, the rescuer decided to take Monica home.

As soon as the pup moved in with the kind man, she began exploring his home.
Monica met the family’s dog and the two of them started getting along.
Thanks to the wonderful care of her hero, the pooch felt relaxed and quickly got used to her new environment. Her eyes were no longer sorrowful.
Finding True Love

The puppy’s hero prepared her nutritious meals, and Monica quickly started thriving.
He gave her a ton of love. She soaked up every ounce of his affection, feeling happy and grateful for everything he did for her.

As time went by, the canine became stronger and stronger.
Three months later, Monica blossomed into a gorgeous young pooch. She stole the heart of her caregiver, who decided to give her a forever home.
Monica felt overjoyed because she now had a human who adored her. She loved him, and she knew that he would never let her down.

The pup lives her best life with her dad. She loves riding in the car with him and spending time outdoors with her furry sibling.
Her dad feels over the moon because Monica entered his life. The delightful pooch became his faithful companion and his best friend.