No dog wishes to be homeless and depend on scraps of food from the streets. It’s a miserable and lonely life that nobody deserves.
Fortune lived such a life, deprived of human love and kindness.
His fur was so severely matted and twisted in knots that he didn’t even look like a dog.
Sadly, when he pleaded to people for help, they chased him away and hurt his feelings.
Because of their mistreatment and lack of compassion, the dog became fearful. He stopped believing that his life could ever change for the better.
The Dog Meets A Big-Hearted Human

When rescuers found out that a severely neglected stray dog needed assistance, they headed straight to rescue him.
The moment the good people saw Fortune for the first time, they were shocked.
They had never seen a dog whose fur was so dirty and matted.
The rescuers tried to approach him, offering him food. Fortune flinched and took a few steps back. He was terrified.
The big-hearted humans realized that people must have mistreated the dog due to his appearance.
Fortune ate the food the rescuers left him, but he kept his distance.
The crew talked to him and fed him until they succeeded in capturing him.
Once the dog found himself in a crate, he felt confused. He didn’t know that his life was about to change.
Fortune’s heroes brought him to a shelter.

The dog was scared of both dogs and the people. He crouched in the corner of his kennel and trembled with fear.
One of the rescuers asked his wife to help him with Fortune. He hoped that she could mend his broken heart.
Luckily, the dog wasn’t afraid of the rescuer’s wife. As she spent more time with him, Fortune started realizing that compassionate and kind humans exist.
Fortune Builds Trust With His Caregivers

The lady showed him kindness and gave him the comfort that he desperately needed. The dog enjoyed her company and he let her pet him.
Since then, Fortune started trusting his human friends, although he still remained a bit cautious.
His rescuer gently removed the dog’s tangled and knotted fur and he breathed a sigh of relief.
Having realized that he now had people who care about him, Fortune’s eyes started twinkling with hope.

The doggo’s human friends took him to the vet where he received the necessary medical attention and vaccinations.
His rescuers cared for him and gave him all their love and he started making progress.
The love that Fortune received healed his emotional wounds. He built his confidence and was no longer afraid of anyone.
Fortune made many doggy friends at the shelter and he loves playing with them.

Many thanks to the dog’s amazing rescuers who saved him from the streets and mended his broken heart with love.
I hope that Fortune will find a forever family who will give him the life filled with happiness and laughter that he always wanted.