It’s hard to accept that anyone can be so heartless and abandon sick puppies without feeling the slightest tinge of regret.
And yet sadly, it has become a common thing.
Three little puppies felt scared and miserable after cold-hearted people dumped them in the trash on the streets of Memphis.
Their eyes became tearful as they watched them disappear in the distance.
Cold and hungry, the siblings gathered their strength and started crying for help. They hoped that someone would hear them and take them somewhere safe and warm.
Will anybody help these little innocent babies?
Puppies Meet Their Hero

The puppies put on a brave face although they were in a difficult situation. They tried to comfort each other as best as they could.
When they saw a woman named Danielle approaching the dumpsters, their hearts sparkled with hope. They whined and looked at her with a sad expression on their faces, pleading with her to help them.
Danielle felt heartbroken when she saw the desperate puppies and the horrible state they were in. They were suffering from mange and their malnourished bodies were covered in sore patches of skin.

The kind woman picked up the babies from the trash and took them home, promising to help them.
Although they went through a lot, the puppies sighed with relief because they were rescued.
Danielle reached out to Tails Of Hope Dog Rescue, a rescue in Memphis, Tennessee, and they took the pups into their care.
The little fur babies were rushed to the vet where they received a complete medical examination. They were started on antibiotics and given a medicated bath.
From the very beginning, the siblings showed a fighting spirit and the staff named them after gold medalists: Kobe Bryant, Michael Phelps, and Simone Biles.
The Road To Recovery

Of the three siblings, Kobe was the weakest. He moved in with his medical foster family.
The pup had labored breathing and refused to eat. His foster parents fed him with a syringe. They were extremely worried for him and hoped that he would survive.
Unfortunately, the puppy was also diagnosed with rickets, a rare disease that causes deformed bones.
Despite his terrible condition, Kobe wagged his tail, showing his human friends that he wouldn’t give up.
The little pup proved that he was a true fighter. Soon, his labored breathing began improving and he pulled through.
Phelps and Simone started their treatment for mange in their foster home, but fortunately, they didn’t have any major issues.
Kobe Displays His Adorable Disposition

Kobe continued recovering. He still had a couple of open sores that the vets monitored.
His amazing foster parents gave Kobe a ton of love and the sweet pup reciprocated. He just wanted to be with them, showering them with kisses.
The pup was doing well. Gradually, his skin healed very well and patches of fur started growing back.
Due to rickets, he wobbled while walking, but he didn’t abandon hope that his legs would heal one day.
Kobe started wearing leg splints so that his legs could straighten out.

With the right nutrition, supplements, and care, he was expected to make a full recovery.
As time passed, Kobe became more energetic. He began eating on his own and playing with toys. His foster parents were thrilled. Kobe showed his zest for life.
Looking For Happiness

Phelps and Simone fully recovered and they started looking for a place to call home.
It didn’t take long for Simone to find happiness. She captivated the heart of a wonderful family who adopted her.
The adorable pup loves her new life. She became a therapy dog at Memphis University Middle School. Her parents adore her.
Phelps is eager to begin a new life with his forever family. He is a gentle soul who loves snuggling and taking naps.
He enjoys playing with cats and dogs in his foster home and he is also great with children.

Kobe made a complete recovery and he transformed into a handsome pup. He is now looking for a great family who would give him a permanent home and a lot of love.
The pup went through many hardships and fought like a true champion, displaying a strong will to live.

I sincerely hope that both brothers will soon get their happy ending just like their sister Simone.
If you’re considering welcoming affectionate and sweet puppies into your home, please consider Kobe and Phelps and give them a chance.