It’s extremely heartbreaking to see a dog suffering from trauma. Knowing that it’s not just about the fear, but the entire series of events that led to a dog feeling that way, just makes my heart shatter.
Raoul, sadly, never got to know the positive side of life. He lived the best he could with over thirty other dogs in a single trailer, simply trying to survive.
In the meantime, he was deprived of basic needs, such as socialization and a loving human touch. That’s why, when help finally arrived, Raoul couldn’t contain his shock.
Raoul Never Felt A Loving Touch

Thanks to SPCA of Texas, Raoul and dozens of his other siblings were successfully rescued from the trailer.
Given his heartbreaking condition, he was immediately transferred to Hearts & Bones Rescue, a rescue organization saving dogs in need in New York City and Dallas, Texas. Thanks to his rescuers, Raoul found his refuge with a foster, Whitney, who welcomed him with open arms.
“Raoul is one of 36 animals that was seized from a deplorable situation in Texas,” Whitney wrote on Instagram.

However, things were far more complicated than initially expected. Raoul was not only scared, but he was literally shaking in his tiny little crate – all the time. Whenever Whitney tried to interact with him in any sort of way, he would immediately start to shake.
“He’s just so, so scared and has had very little human contact until he was rescued,” she added.
He wouldn’t even look at people. Raoul was always hiding behind bigger dogs, staying away from anything that even remotely reminded of humans.
He spent the first week and a half clinging to his safe space (his crate), observing the situation from a safe distance. In the meantime, Whitney established a step-by-step process that would help Raoul feel more comfortable.
She always addressed him gently, offered him treats, respected his safe area, and never made an unpredictable move. She literally took baby steps with Raoul, but, as it turned out, baby steps were exactly what he needed!
He’s Finally Trusting Again

On the 10th day of his stay with Whitney, Raoul made some huge progress! He took a few steps out of his crate and ate a treat from Whitney’s hand. He even stopped shaking, indicating that he felt comfortable enough to trust his foster momma.
Whitney couldn’t contain her excitement. To see Raoul make it this far was beyond rewarding. It was a gift, the miracle she’d been waiting for all along. And now, it finally happened!
Over the next few weeks, Raoul came out of his shell even more. He began to play with other dogs, let other people hold him, and even had these cute little cuddle sessions with Whitney. He was finally doing all the “doggo things” – and it was amazing!

And guess what? Raoul has finally let his foster mama give him the nicest bath.
Now, Raoul is all about learning the simple joys in life, and he is ready to embark on a brand-new adventure!
“He’s shown his potential in the short amount of time we’ve had with him and I know that once he finds his permanent spot, he’s going to be amazing,” Whitney stated.
It didn’t take long for Raoul to captivate the hearts of his future family. Months later, he found a beautiful forever home in NYC, and is headed to a new life journey.
Once a fearful dog with an uncertain future, Raoul now has everything he has ever dreamed of!