There is nobility in being a dog rescuer. It’s a job that takes a lot of strength and patience, and it’s most definitely not for everyone.
In fact, I don’t think I would be a fit person to work as a rescuer. Even though I love our furry companions so much, I just don’t have the resilience and patience needed to do this job.
If only everyone thought this way, then the world would be a much kinder place. Shockingly enough, some shelters only care about profit and they go out of their way not to help animals.
Many of them just take the dogs in and then neglect them entirely until they can get rid of them. So, today, that is what we will be talking about in our story.
Rescuers Were Stunned

When a rescue group called Saving Gizmo’s Friends received information about a ‘fake’ rescue in California, where the owners were neglecting dogs, Cassandra Mann decided to respond.
She is the founder of Saving Gizmo’s Friends, and she wanted to help rescue these pups if they were in a serious condition.
So, she called animal control in California and told them to go check out this supposed rescue site to see if it was really true.
Animal control officers found many dogs at the house in California, but it didn’t look like they were abused, so they were a bit confused.

Mann told them to check the garage, so they did. When they opened it, the officers were visibly shocked by what they saw.
The smell was awful inside and the pups were all malnourished and neglected. It was dark, they could hardly see anything, and there were so many of them crammed inside.
Some of them had wounds on their bodies, and one of the dogs even tried to gnaw on his cage so the poor pup got wiring injuries.
There Is Still Work To Do

The situation was absolutely horrific. I can’t even begin to describe how sad it is that they ended up in this situation, hoping for a better life.
And yet, their ‘rescuer’ decided to treat them like this. I just don’t understand the people who do things like this.
At this point, the situation was pretty clear. The dogs needed help, so Saving Gizmo’s Friends offered to take many of them in.
In total, they have saved about 23 dogs and given them all the treatment they so desperately needed all this time. It cost about $50,000 to treat all of them, but the rescuers took care of it.

However, the problem has not been solved yet. There were still about 17 dogs that were stuck there and animal control couldn’t get them all without a warrant.
Nevertheless, the kind rescuers from Saving Gizmo’s Friends will do their absolute best to rescue them all.
As for the dogs who were saved, the main goal is to let them heal so that the rescuers can find them a home and I have no doubt that they will succeed.