I have always found it difficult to read stories about abandoned dogs. It’s just depressing to think that a person you love would backstab and leave you when it becomes convenient for them.
It’s even more hurtful for dogs because they are much more attached to their human companions and can’t understand why they are abandoned.
Things were not much different for this furry pup who was in the same boat. She spent her days just sleeping on an old couch without anyone even bothering to offer her a helping hand.
Luckily, things would soon change for her when someone realized just how desperate her situation was and decided to take action.
She Couldn’t Trust Anyone

It was an ordinary day when a kind rescuer from Texas realized that there was a pup who needed his help.
He found her lying near an old couch that was just dumped there. It was broken, filthy, and not a good place for anyone to rest on, but it was all she had.
The man carefully approached the dog and made her aware of his presence, not wanting to spook her.
He noticed that she was just looking at him and he realized that she was really just scared and didn’t know what to do.

As he got even closer to help her, she immediately took her distance and tried to stay as far as she could from her rescuer.
She had no way of knowing his intentions were good, and after being cruelly abandoned by her owner, she didn’t trust any humans.
The man realized that he would have to come up with some sort of plan to rescue her as she was not going to ease up immediately.
He decided to try the humane trap and place some food in a kennel to see if she would take the bait.
Some Problems Solve Themselves

After some time had passed, the rescuer realized that the pup would not go into the kennel as she just continued walking past it. The man had to figure out something else.
As the food trap didn’t work, he tried thinking of a solution that would help her relax. However, just as that was going on, the pup noticed the car they came in.
All of its doors were open, and the inside looked comfortable, so she examined it for a bit and then just got inside.
The rescuer was completely shocked by this turn of events as he did not think things would be this easy for him. However, he was glad that she got inside.

He secured her inside the vehicle and decided to take her back to a shelter in Texas where she would receive more help.
When they got there, she received a warm bath and was now completely clean. Although she seemed malnourished, she was otherwise in good health and was likely going to recover quickly.
The rescuers are likely going to keep her there until she is ready to be placed on an adoption list.
While we have no information on what happens next with this sweet dog, we can clearly see that she is in good hands with people who will make sure she finds someone special who will never abandon her.