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Rescue Poodle Just Loves Hugging People After She Was Saved By Her Amazing Rescuers

Rescue Poodle Just Loves Hugging People After She Was Saved By Her Amazing Rescuers

Rescued from an awful destiny and the life of a commercial breeding dog, this Poodle was given a second chance. 

And, she couldn’t be more thankful for it! 

That’s the thing with dogs; they’re grateful creatures who adore you for everything nice you do for them. 

Clara the Poodle has a unique way of affectionating herself to show how thankful she is for being given a fresh start.

She’s the Poodle that doesn’t mind hugging at all. In fact, she will hug you so hard until you hug her back and show some sweet love, too! 

Can I Have A Hug?

poodle hugging a man
Source: The Dodo

Her face, her attitude, and her sweet personality didn’t not suffer despite the awful living conditions. Clara was a really good girl to the bone, and she couldn’t do it any other way. 

When Havaheart Rescue took Clara in, she was shaking, wondering what these new humans would do to her. That’s how little trust she had in humans. 

Once Julie, her foster mom, brought her into her home, Clara started relaxing. Soon enough, she was able to take a second and breathe. 

After all those years as a puppy mill mommy and a breeding stock, Clara finally became the pampered Poodle she deserved to be. 

Clara got a nice bath, and they stripped down her coat since it wasn’t in good shape. The trans-fur-mation was already noticeable. 

And, further trans-fur-mation followed because Clara blossomed into the sweetest dog.

“I think when she realized she was safe, and we weren’t going to hurt her, very quickly we discovered how affectionate she was with giving hugs,” said her foster mom Julie for The Dodo. 

This sweet, troubled soul showed everyone the huge amount of kindness and love that was hiding inside her since forever. Clara began hugging people by standing up on her hind legs. 

And, she really hugged them!

The lovely Poodle is keen on giving you a hug, and she won’t drop it until you hug her back. 

To think I’ve seen it all… 

Furever Hugs

It took only a few weeks for Julie to find Clara a home. It was a no brainer: Clara was as sweet as she could be, and she was a gorgeous dog with years ahead of her. Who wound’t love to have such a dog?

Clara soon became Tallulah, and her new hoomom, Melissa, loved her from the first second she saw her.

“She looks at you and just shows love. She loves to be hugged back. The way she has impacted our family is just adding pure love”, says Melissa in the video.

Every time Tallulah sees someone she loves (and she loves everyone), she comes up close, stands on her hind legs, and hugs that person, showering him or her in love and doggy kisses and asking for the same thing in return. 

And, she won’t quit until you show her some love.

For Tallulah, hugs are one of the most important things in the world. She had spent so many years without them, begging for someone to love and feel the same in return. A puppy mill survivor has it more difficult than any other stray dog.

They’ve been with people all the time, and yet they’re still deprived of love, care, and anything nice. 

Tallulah was a part of the statistics. According to Dogster, about 10,000 puppy mills are active in the USA, and the state of Missouri, where Tallulah is from, has the highest number of active puppy mills! 

Unfortunately, the number does not drop down with each new year. 

Our Tallulah was just another breeding material… an ol’ dog living just to give birth to money-makers. If it wasn’t for Melissa, Tallulah would still be looking for her hoomans, begging someone to give her a hug. 

Today, she enjoys her family life, along with another Havaheart Rescue pup Melissa and her family adopted. Life finally became too sweet to handle.

We wish Tallulah one filled with so many hugs she can barely take it!