Out of all the amazing traits dogs possess, I think one of their best is the ability to make friends with anyone at any time.
This is why we love them so much. They amaze us with their compassion and cheerfulness all the time.
What surprises me even more is seeing dogs who befriend the little puppies and help them start living their lives in a safe environment without any worries.
Something similar happened to this newborn puppy who was dumped on the street in a box. Luckily, he was given a new chance when his kind rescuers came to save him.
Start Of A Beautiful Friendship

It was a very normal night for this person who was just walking her dog when she suddenly found a newborn puppy abandoned in a box in the middle of the street.
She heard his cries and was horrified to realize that he was abandoned like that. She immediately took him back into her home where she could help him.
He needed to be watched constantly, as he was very young. She gave him milk regularly, and he was just always so hungry.
The woman didn’t have to rely on herself to help this pup. She had her dog, Lao, to help watch him as well.
He was a very big and gentle dog who immediately noticed this puppy’s misfortune and decided to help him.

The neighbor’s dog who had given birth recently decided to let this puppy feed, which was amazing news for the rescuers, as it meant that she wouldn’t have to do this by herself all the time.
She could now focus on helping her in other ways. As time went on, it became clear that this young puppy was growing up and changing quickly.
The woman named him Timo. He and Lao became best friends in no time and they loved playing all the time.
Even though Lao was so much bigger, he was always patient and gentle with Timo. He was like a very big brother to him.
Timo’s Best Friend Saved Him

After about a month, it was time for Timo’s vaccinations. He was very brave during the whole process, and the vets were able to determine that this puppy was in great health.
After about two months in her care, everything was going well, but then something happened out of the blue. Timo got sick and his rescuer immediately rushed him to the vet.
It isn’t clear what caused his health problems, but they were critical. The woman took some of Lao’s blood and gave it to Timo. Lao actually saved his best friend.

After this was over, the puppy started getting better, and this was very good news. He made a full recovery in almost two weeks and was now on his way home.
He returned to play with his favorite big brother and they were so happy to see each other. It is really wholesome seeing them reunited again.
Now that they are together again, they are pretty much inseparable. They spend all of their time either running around or napping.

Time went by and little Timo has grown up significantly. Even though he is still smaller than his brother, Lao, he looks a lot bigger.
It was easy to decide whether Timo should stay with his new mom.
He was her dog and she couldn’t imagine separating him from Lao. I am so glad everything turned out great for him.