When it comes to abandoned puppies, one thing I keep asking myself repeatedly is how people can just leave a sweet pup to starve in the middle of nowhere.
Like, what is the reasoning? Even though there are people who don’t care about animals in this world, the least you can do is surrender them to a shelter so they can have a chance.
Nevertheless, things like this will continue to happen and there is little we can do to stop it. What the rest of us can do is always call for rescuers when we see a stray or abandoned puppy in need.
When a couple of employees working at a recycling center saw an abandoned puppy running around, they had to do something, but the pup was terrified so they called for a professional.
A Tough Rescue Mission

After being dumped at the recycling center in California, the puppy who was just terrified of people tried to find some shelter there.
But, after seeing the people who worked there, he escaped. They tried to help so the puppy wouldn’t get injured, but he would run away anytime he saw anyone.
When they got close to him, he jumped into some water near the recycling center and kept swimming until he found a small spot under a bridge.
The poor puppy spent four days like this. He was just too scared to move or accept anyone’s help.

The kind people who tried to help him realized that they were not going to get through to him by trying to get close to him, so they came up with another idea.
They put some food out so he could come by himself and eat. If he realized that these people wanted to help him, then he might relax a little bit.
The puppy would sneak out from his hiding spot and go eat some food, but anytime he heard any noise, he would just start running.
He Is Finally Safe

What could have possibly happened to this puppy to make him have this kind of reaction to seeing other people? I just keep wondering about that.
When the employees from the recycling center realized that they couldn’t do the job, they called Suzette Hall for help.
She tried to help the pup for days, but there was no success. Hall was heartbroken to see the condition this puppy was in. She was sad to see how scared she was.
A few more days went by and Hall prepared for another attempt to save him. However, this time, she was successful. The pup was caught in a humane trap and finally safe.

All of the employees were so glad to see that the scared pup was rescued. He will now finally get a chance, thanks to all of their effort to save him.
They helped Hall place the puppy inside a car and then she took him back to the shelter in California. The puppy, now named Buddy, will receive the best care, thanks to his rescuer.
While we don’t have information about what happened next in Buddy’s story, knowing that he is in the hands of a great rescuer is enough for me. I am sure he will find a forever home in no time.