Isolation shuts down even the most playful heart. No matter how hard you try to be a social butterfly, it’s just extremely hard to cope with being ignored by everyone. And that, sadly, is Rex’s life story!
This sweet Chihuahua mix spent years in a California shelter, hoping for a chance. When that didn’t happen, even after a thousand days, he began to lose hope.
Instead of greeting every single person who passed by his kennel like he used to, Rex retreated to the corner of his kennel and chose to do nothing anymore.
Rex Gave Up Hope That Someone Would Adopt Him

Three years ago, Rex was rescued from a high-euthanasia shelter by The Vanderpump Dog Foundation in Los Angeles, California.
He was labeled as a snappy dog with behavioral issues in the past, which almost led to euthanasia. Thanks to Vanderpump Dogs, that didn’t happen.
“Dogs with behavioral issues are at higher risk of being euthanized in shelters and we got Rex just in time to give him a second chance at finding his forever home,” Vanderpump Dogs wrote on Facebook.

Little by little, this furry boi overcame his past trauma. He soon began to socialize with people and other dogs, and thanks to his trainers, Rex was a brand-new dog in no time.
He spent his days patiently waiting by his kennel doors and greeting the people who would walk in. Unfortunately, after more than a thousand days of the same routine, Rex began to lose hope.
Nima Nasseri, a Hollywood agent and dog lover who started a TikTok account to help overlooked shelter dogs get a voice, showcased Rex’s decline in a heartbreaking video.
“Rex no longer comes over to greet people because nobody ever chooses him. He’s been here for over 1000 days. It’s been so long the hair on his face is starting to turn grey,” the video says.
Just a few days later, the video was seen by hundreds of thousands of people who shared Rex’s story. His story skyrocketed completely unexpectedly, bringing Rex the one thing he was missing all this time – hope.
And, the results were amazing!
The Long-Awaited Miracle

Nasseri knew how powerful social media could be, but Rex’s case left him totally stunned! He posted the video on Sunday, and within only a couple of days, Rex already had dozens of applicants eager to take him home.
By Friday, he had a home. And, boy, was it the perfect one!
“We posted him on Sunday and by Friday he was wrapped up in a blanket on his new couch with his new mama,” Nasseri announced in an update post!
The update video Nasseri posted on TikTok shows Rex in a tiny kennel in the back of the car traveling to his forever home.
Once a doggo without hope, this Chi mix now has a whole life waiting for him. He got a beautiful family and a home he dreamed about all along, all thanks to the people who believed in him!
Rex’s story is the perfect testament to all the great things social media can achieve when used properly. Now with a forever home and a mom who loves him more than anything, Rex is finally ready to turn the page and embark upon a new exciting life adventure!
Good luck, Rex! You certainly deserve it!