Instead of being the happiest, Yoda’s first years of life were a nightmare. The pooch lived in terrible conditions at a puppy mill without knowing what love was.
Sad and heartbroken, Yoda looked through the bars of her cage, dreaming of experiencing the beauty of life.
Although the dog became weaker and weaker due to mistreatment and neglect, the flicker of hope in her heart never withered away.
When her merciless owners no longer considered Yoda profitable, they heartlessly dumped her in a backyard and left her to perish all alone.
Luckily, rescuers found her and took her to the animal shelter, giving her a second chance at life.
Experiencing Love For The First Time

When Yoda first arrived at the shelter, the staff felt sorrowful to see her in a bad state, malnourished and weak.
The good humans cared for her and gave her a lot of love. They took her on her first walks and bought her first toys, showing her that life can be beautiful.
At first, Yoda was timid and unsure.
However, as time went on, she began noticing her caregivers’ kindness and realizing that her caregivers were nice people.
Thanks to the love they showered her with, Yoda came out of her shell and warmed up to the staff.
At the time, Leena, a giant-hearted woman, was looking for a rescue dog to adopt. When she met Yoda for the first time, she felt connected to her.

“There was something in her eyes and I was just like, she looks like my dog,” Leena told GeoBeats Animals.
After Yoda moved in with her mom, she felt excited to start her new chapter in life.
The pup quickly settled into her new home.
Yoda craved love and she always wanted to be close to her mom. The canine followed her everywhere. She enjoyed cuddling with her and absorbing her love.
Yoda Falls In Love With Her Life

In the beginning, the pooch preferred staying indoors.
Her mom started taking her on walks and Yoda began enjoying spending time outside.
Although she was initially afraid of men, she succeeded in overcoming her fear, thanks to her mom’s love and guidance.

Yoda started enjoying her life to the fullest. The canine was bursting with energy, and she was happy to socialize with people and other dogs.
She is great at reading her mom’s emotions. If Leena feels worried, Yoda rushes to her side, wishing to comfort her.

Yoda’s mom feels overjoyed to have her in her life.
“We just understand each other so well and she just makes everything in my life so much softer. Her energy is very warm,” Leena added.

Yoda lives her dream life with her family. She sometimes posts updates on her Instagram account. She loves going to the beach and hanging out with her brother, Sisu.
Many thanks to all the wonderful people who took part in rescuing Yoda and who helped her find her place under the sun.