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Pup Who Ended Up At Shelter In Mississippi After He Lost His Owner Rejoices When His Son Comes To Save Him

Pup Who Ended Up At Shelter In Mississippi After He Lost His Owner Rejoices When His Son Comes To Save Him

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult moments in life. It is when our hearts break into a million pieces upon realizing that we will never again be able to feel the presence of the one we loved so much and gave him that same heart.

Such a heartbreaking event affects dogs as well and many sad examples prove that our furry friends also have a hard time when their favorite person passes away. 

One dog named Alex experienced such heartbreak when he lost his beloved owner. To make matters worse, he soon ended up in a shelter where he had to mourn his owner all alone between the four walls of a kennel. 

However, his fate took a heartwarming turn when another family member decided to put a smile back on his face. 

The Most Emotional Reunion

When his owner passed away, the dog named Alex was surrendered to the Humane Society of South Mississippi, an animal shelter located in Gulfport, Mississippi. This grieving dog thought that he would never experience true love and happiness again. 

At the same time, in Washington, Michael Cook Jr. was also mourning his father, not knowing how to cope with his grief. Then, he suddenly remembered Alex and how much his father loved this dog. He immediately knew what to do. 

“After traveling 2,650 miles from Seattle and navigating the challenges of losing a loved one, he finally made it to our shelter,” the Humane Society of South Mississippi wrote in their June 20 Facebook post

When Alex saw a familiar face and realized that he had come for him, he totally lost it. He immediately jumped into Michael’s arms and it was hard to say who was happier at that moment. It was one of the most emotional reunions this shelter had ever witnessed. 

“Alex smothered him in kisses and love,” the shelter told McClatchy News. “Alex couldn’t get enough of him. It was almost like he could not believe his eyes. He was so happy. Nothing but licks and tail wags.”

Many Melted Hearts

As already said in the introduction, for both people and dogs, one of the most difficult situations in life is the loss of a loved one. That’s why it’s no wonder that the Facebook post featuring this heartwarming reunion attracted so much attention.

There were so many melted hearts…

“Wish all dogs got such happy endings! Thanks to this man who is opening his heart and home to Alex ❤️ and thanks HSSM!” one user wrote. 

“So sorry for their loss. Now Alex & his owner’s son can heal together. Thank you HSSM for making this happen. Safe travels back to Seattle.” another added. 

The third wrote: “This! ❤️ Pets are a connection to our loved ones. I wish more people could understand. Happy blessings to Alex and his human brother. His dad is resting peacefully knowing Alex is in a good loving home.”

We will end this incredibly heartwarming story with the words written by the shelter staff who witnessed this reunion: “Alex’s happiness was palpable, reminding us all of the incredible bond between pets and their families. ❤️🏡”