Rating dogs is really an ungrateful task. Why? Well, for starters, all dogs are cute and deserve a 100/10. The scale for rating dogs goes very high, almost to the sky. Since our four-legged buddies are so popular and beloved, one man thought of making all of them viral once again.
Meet Matt Nelson, an entrepreneur and the founder of the Twitter page, WeRateDogs, who always gives us our daily dose of cuteness and chuckles. The passionate hobby of looking at cute pups brought Matt more than he could’ve ever wished for.
This doggo empire is growing steadily and it doesn’t seem like it will stop anytime soon.
“My initial goal was just to make people happy. Now, I’m good at writing like a dog and embodying that behavior because I’ve been surrounded by dog internet culture,” ended Matt.
Take a look at some of the most adorable pups rated on WeRateDogs!
1. And The Third Time?

2. The Art Of Splooting

3. The Only Doctor We’re Looking Forward To Seeing

4. It’s Not Easy To Fly First Class

5. When You Reach Nirvana

6. A Rare Sighting

7. Because Picnic Are Just Pawmazing

8. So Much For The Patience

9. An Unusual Friendship

10. Where’s My Hug?

11. What’s Your Next Move, Hooman?

12. The Cutest Smile

13. Did… Did Oliver Star In The Good Nurse?

14. We’ll Just Name Him Oreo!

15. Couldn’t Be Prouder!

16. A Magical Sunset Dog

17. Please, No Angry Cotton Balls

18. All The Cool Kids Are Wearing Them

19. Every Company Needs A Daisy

20. The Annoying Little Brother

21. A Petition To Bring Back Remy’s Legs

22. Achievement unlocked: Disney princess

23. Don’t Mind Me… Carry On…

24. Hide The Watermelon, For Goodness Sake!

25. It’s The Washing Machine’s Fault

26. Anyone Got A Kit For A Flat Tire?

27. Needs Salt…

28. When A Girl Knows What She Wants

29. *Googles: Where To Buy Thinking Chairs For Dogs*

30. Reindeers Have Their Own Hashtag

31. Didn’t See It, Either

32. Please, Do As Lucas Says

33. When Mommy Say It’s Bath Time, Trust Me, It’s Bath Time

34. He’s Still Not Ready To Hear The Truth About Santa

35. I’m In Shape… Round Is A Shape, Right?

36. Those Are The Sweetest Jammies Ever!

37. He’s A Fashionista

38. Right There… That’s The Spot!

39. Seriously, Karen… You Couldn’t Sign Them Up For Guitar Lessons?

40. Anytime Bootsy, Anytime…

41. I Think Beansie Should Move Somewhere South

42. Finally, A Hot Dog In The Wild

43. A Cotton Ball On The Run

44. Proud As A Peach

45. When Your Order Off Aliexpress

46. Mimi Is A Lady. We Won’t Discuss Her Roundness.

47. Bless You, Little Hazel

48. Activate Rainbow Power!

49. Okay, Who Shrunk The Hole?

50. Your best bud will always be there for you, especially when you need a pillow.