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Pennsylvania Rescuer Was So Happy To See This Sweet Pup Hug Him After Being Saved

Pennsylvania Rescuer Was So Happy To See This Sweet Pup Hug Him After Being Saved

Nowadays, many dogs suffer in sometimes unimaginable conditions, but we don’t understand their pain until we see it with our own eyes. 

However, some people know very well what this means and they are the big-hearted rescuers who, almost every day, come upon a poor dog in need who went through a lot in his life. 

It was the same this time when rescuers from the rescue organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania saved a dog who suffered so much that they couldn’t believe it. 

However, his loving heart kept him alive and gave him the strength to fight for a new chance with the help of these great people.

A Special Dog

Although they witnessed many heartbreaking situations in their careers, employees and volunteers of the Pennsylvania SPCA (PSPCA), an animal shelter located in Philadelphia, were totally heartbroken when they saw the state this suffering dog was in. 

“Collins came to us from a place of unimaginable cruelty,” Pennsylvania SPCA wrote in their Facebook post. “Rescued from a cruel situation by our Animal Law Enforcement team, he arrived in very rough shape – underweight, vomiting, and broken in spirit.”

His heart was so broken that he fell into one of his rescuer’s arms as soon as he saw her

For the whole shelter staff, that was the most touching moment of all. 

“It’s not standard to lay on the floor with dogs, but this guy was craving human attention,” Lindsey King, PSPCA volunteer programs manager, told The Dodo. “Despite what he went through, he remained the sweetest, most lovable dog.”

As soon as he felt human affection, Collins seemed to have gained new energy, almost instantly becoming a brand-new dog

During all the time he spent in the shelter, he loved to play with toys and cuddle with people, and he was very playful, spunky, and affectionate. 

They knew that Collins was truly a special dog. 

Instant Connection

According to the PSPCA, Collins remained with them for months in their Protective Custody “as his case worked its way through the legal system, patiently waiting for justice.”

“He showed us a strength we can’t fully put into words, and with each passing day, he became healthier, stronger, and more hopeful,” they wrote in the post. 

At one moment, they knew that Collins was ready to move forward. He was ready to start a new life. 

Although they thought that it would be a long and difficult process, it was not long before the happiest ending came as one loving family instantly fell in love with him

“It was no surprise that his family saw what we saw right away!” Lindsey said. “His family was looking for a big, [lovable] pittie, and their connection was almost instant.”

Just like he melted in his rescuer’s arms when they saved him from unimaginable pain, Collins instantly came into the arms of his new Mom and Dad, giving them kisses that marked the beginning of his new life.