For most of us, heading to work isn’t exactly thrilling – unless your job involves jumping out of planes every day.
For the rest of us, it’s usually just early mornings, traffic jams, and the occasional coffee and breakfast stop.
Believe it or not, pastors aren’t much different. Their routines may include prayer instead of paperwork, but the day-to-day grind is often just as predictable.
However, every now and then, something unexpected shakes up the routine. And, this pastor? He’s got a story that proves it.
A Sticky Situation

Coming into his church, a pastor for Long Island, New York was ready to start a regular day. However, he quickly found out that there was something at the door that wasn’t there yesterday.
It was a little furry friend who tried to make his way inside the church but, unfortunately, managed to get himself stuck in the door.
Upon closer inspection, the pastor realized that it was actually a raccoon.

Knowing that wild raccoons could pose the risk of rabies, the pastor decided that the best course of action would be to leave him, hoping that he would manage to escape all on his own.
Unfortunately, after a couple of days passed, the pastor went to check on the little fellow, and after seeing that he was still there, he knew that he had to call in some reinforcements.
He got in touch with a dedicated New York rescuer, John Debacker.
“I couldn’t believe that he was still there for so many days. I was happy that I got the call so he could have a chance,” Debacker told The Dodo.
Debacker To The Rescue
Knowing that being stuck for that long without any food or water, the chances of the raccoon’s survival were slim. Deciding to be an optimist, Debacker was prepared to do anything it took to get this little friend safe.
“It took a holiday miracle to save his life,” Debacker wrote in a Facebook post, telling the story of this incredible rescue
Not wanting to scare the already-spooked raccoon, the rescuer slowly approached the door and carefully opened it, giving the raccoon enough space to finally wiggle his way free.
Luckily, as if he knew that there was nothing to be afraid of, the adorable raccoon kept his cool.
“He was very calm. Normally they flip out, but I believe he knew I was there to help,” Debacker said.

Debacker managed to meet the raccoon at the church’s gate, placing him into a carrier and taking him to the local rehabilitation center. After everything he has been through, this little guy really needed a head-to-tail medical evaluation.
Final Word
Please remember that no matter how adorable they are, you should never approach a wild raccoon.
Because raccoons can carry rabies, a dangerous virus that affects your nervous system leaving you with fatal consequences, it is better to leave them to the professionals.
So, if you see one who needs some hooman assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your local rescuers.