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Owner From California Lost His Home And Was Devastated After Having To Surrender His Dog

Owner From California Lost His Home And Was Devastated After Having To Surrender His Dog

Leaving home is always hard for everyone, and dogs are no exception. 

Due to a rising housing crisis, many people are forced to give up their favorite companions in the world. The story of Palmer, a tiny two-year-old boi, is exhibit A!

This little dog found himself in a difficult situation after his owners’ eviction and divorce. He went from having a wonderful home to having nothing – all in one day!

It Wasn’t His Fault

Thanks to the good people of Lovebugs Rescue, Palmer didn’t wait long to find a temporary shelter. When they heard his saddening story, the rescue immediately took him and his other brother, Presley, in.

“Palmer lost his home through no fault of his own. His family was getting evicted and their dogs had nowhere to go,” the rescue wrote on Facebook.

In no time, this two-year-old boi Chihuahua mix found a foster home, and he fit in perfectly.

Thanks to his previous life in a home, Palmer didn’t have much to learn. He was already a good, socialized, and well-mannered dog. He loved being around people of all ages, but the special place in his heart is left for children. 

“Palmer is a 2 year old, 13 lb Chihuahua mix who is very well mannered around the house, dog and kiddo friendly, and loves everyone he meets,” Lovebugs Rescue wrote.

“He will be a relatively easy addition to a new home. He’s a friendly guy who loves being pet. He is dog friendly too,” they added.

Despite all the heartbreak and the fact that he was now without owners, Palmer didn’t shy away from meeting new people.

In fact, he loved doing that! He seizes every opportunity to make new friends. And, boi does he just love going out! 

Underneath his (initially) sorrowful eyes is an enthusiastic, happy-go-lucky boi who craves new adventures. 

And, finally, he didn’t wait long for them!

Here Comes The Pawesomest Twist

Palmer’s story touched many hearts, including his new owners. In a short amount of time, a couple of amazing people came to meet this tiny lovebug – and they immediately fell in love. Nothing sweeter than love at first sight, am I right?

The couple decided to add Palmer to their family and finally show him to his new forever home. 

“Palmer has joined his new family,” the rescue announced in a Facebook post.

Once he realized what was happening, Palmer couldn’t hide the smile on his face. He was finally on the way to a new chapter of his life, which only meant one thing – from now on, he would never, ever have to be alone again!

If he could speak, I bet Palmer would love to reach out to his former owners just to inform them about his current situation. “Mom, dad, I’m okay. I have a pawesome life now!” would probably be the first words out of his mouth!

Have a great life, Palmer!