Most dog rescue stories I read in my free time are just outright sad and tragic. However, every once in a while, I will find one that will gravely upset me.
Seeing how some owners cruelly treat their puppies is just horrible and it really shows just that a lot of people don’t deserve dogs.
Why adopt dogs only to abandon them in horrible conditions? I just don’t understand how some people can do that.
What happened to this puppy is even more tragic. He was following his owner on the street and got hit by a speeding car. His owner just left the scene, but the people nearby called for help.
There Is Still Hope

After people witnessed what happened, they couldn’t believe their eyes. The owner just left him there, even though he knew the puppy wouldn’t make it without help.
Luckily, the veterinarians were on the scene quickly and they immediately transported the puppy to a clinic. She received examinations to determine what was wrong with her.
Her front legs and spine were broken. Her belly was also really swollen and she could hardly stand up to eat. The vets had to use painkillers to help her calm down a bit.

They treated her the best way they could, but she would still need surgery. The only problem was that she was still unfit for that, so the veterinarians had to wait.
Her immune system was still too weak, so they decided to put a cast on her front leg. They tried to make her comfortable, but the pain was making it hard to do anything.
Still, she really wanted to play with the other dogs there. It was apparent that she had a desire to live and her veterinarians would do the best they could.

Soon enough, they found out that this puppy would likely be paralyzed for the rest of her life. Her hind legs lost sensitivity and there was barely any hope that she would recover.
Nevertheless, her amazing rescuers and the veterinarians decided to give her the best chance, so they continued her treatment.
Even with continued therapy, she was not recovering. The best her rescuers could hope for was that she could use her front legs more to move around.
Rescuers Are Doing Their Best

She was taken to a shelter, where her rescuers would continue to care for her. They understood that this was probably her final home as there was little hope anyone would adopt a paralyzed puppy.
The rescuers tried contacting the owner to see if he wanted her back, but the man was not interested at all. Then, they realized it was probably a mistake to call in the first place.
He just left his puppy after she was hit by a car, the owner didn’t deserve her. They decided to keep her and do the best they could.
Soon enough, the puppy, now named Inuta, received her first wheelchair and this has done wonders for her. She is finally able to move around more easily.

Even though she is still learning how to use it properly, her kind rescuers are there with her every step of the way to make sure she is okay.
While the chances are small, the kind shelter staff are still hoping that she might find a forever home someday.
In the meantime, she is happy right where she is. Her rescuers are giving her everything she needs and she has made a lot of friends in the shelter.
It’s good to see that her trauma didn’t damage her spirit. She is still an adorable little pup who loves to enjoy her life.