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Rescuers Discovered Puppy With Cleft Lip On The Street And Rushed Her To The Shelter

Rescuers Discovered Puppy With Cleft Lip On The Street And Rushed Her To The Shelter

It’s truly heartbreaking when a newborn puppy is separated from his mom and forced to find a way to survive on his own.

What’s even worse is the fact that so many people see the sweet baby in need of help but ignore it every time.

This adorable little puppy was dumped on the street by her owner without any chance of surviving.

The reason why is because she was born with a cleft lip. Luckily for her, a group of amazing rescuers arrived shortly after and came to help.

She Is Going To Be Okay

newborn puppy bottle fed
Source: Animal Rescue

After the kind saviors brought Gouda to a safe place, they focused on getting her to drink milk. Because it was already hard enough, they had to get creative.

Because of this, they were forced to feed her with a tube as it was the only way the milk would go through.

The rescuers are doing the best they can to make sure she is getting everything she needs in hopes of recovery.

puppy with a cleft lip
Source: Animal Rescue

A little over a week later, Gouda finally opened her eyes, and it was like a brand-new world for her. Everything was interesting, and she wanted to explore her environment.

One of the rescuers started bringing her food in the bowl and a syringe just in case. Surprisingly, she immediately headed for the bowl and started devouring her food.

She made a huge mess, but it was so adorable. They are just so glad to see that she is making huge progress.

Gouda’s Amazing Transformation

brown newborn puppy
Source: Animal Rescue

Three weeks later, and she is already a lot different. Her personality is starting to shine through, and the rescuers are letting her play with the other dogs there.

She made friends with Etta, who is a pretty big dog but gentle nevertheless. He was always super patient with Gouda.

They would play for hours, and it was just amazing to see the determination she had to live a normal life.

She would continue to blossom in the care of her rescuers. Before you knew it, she had already grown up, and she is really beautiful.

close-up photo of a dog with cleft lip
Source: Animal Rescue

Gouda’s transformation was remarkable, but that means that it was soon time to place her on an adoption list so she could find her forever home.

While it’s going to be tough on the kind rescuers who saved her, they are just happy that she is getting the chance she deserves, like all the other dogs.

Eventually, she met her amazing new family and they are just so happy to have her. The rescuers knew they made the right choice.

It’s really heartwarming to see how this sweet puppy overcame all the odds with her rescuers and is now living her best life.