As someone who has owned quite a few dogs in the past, I can confidently say that we have all had a moment in our lives when we saw a dog and realized that it was a moment of fate.
For me, that happened when me and my family saw a stray puppy who was so adorable and desperately needed help, so we just had to adopt him.
In Nicholas’ case, he stepped into a dog shelter in Texas with the intention of adopting a dog but likely didn’t expect what was going to happen next.
It Was Meant To Be

Just as he walked to the area where all the dogs lived, Nicholas saw a puppy who gave him the sweetest look ever.
At that very moment, he made the decision to adopt this dog. It took him only a few minutes to set up and finalize the adoption process.
When he was done, he walked out of the shelter with his new furry companion. He placed him in a vehicle, and they headed to a pet store.
Nicholas took him shopping and they bought pretty much all of the accessories and toys he would need for his new life.

He then finally took him to his forever home where he met his new dog sibling, Bullet. When thinking about a name for this puppy, Nicholas decided on Maverick.
The puppy and his new buddy clicked immediately. It was pretty obvious that Maverick and Bullet would be good friends.
He then took the puppy into the house to help him get familiarized with everything. He just loved exploring everything.
Maverick Loves His New Life

After he settled in for a bit, Nicholas gave Maverick a bath. He noticed that the puppy was still not comfortable with water, but he powered through it.
The next day, it was time for a vet appointment. Nicholas took the pup to a clinic in Texas and had him checked for parvo.
Considering his past with the illness, he didn’t want to take any chances. The results came back negative, and the vets confirmed that Maverick was in good health.
Nicholas was still worried about his bloated tummy. He didn’t know what to do about it so he went to have him checked again and he found some remedies.

There was a good chance that he had worms in his intestines, so he bought some treatments, which would help him solve the problem.
As time went on, Nicholas and Maverick bonded even more. This adorable puppy already loves his new dad and Bullet more than anything.
He is truly grateful for this opportunity that his dad gave him, and the three of them are going to have so many amazing adventures together.