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Hiker Shocked By Strange Howling Sounds Coming From A Deep Cave, Soon Learns What’s Inside

Hiker Shocked By Strange Howling Sounds Coming From A Deep Cave, Soon Learns What’s Inside

Joe Dunn, an enthusiastic explorer and hiker, went on one of his many hiking trips in the Florida wilderness. 

While he was hiking through the Withlacoochee State Forest, he suddenly heard some howling sounds. As he was walking deeper into the forest, the sounds became louder, and they turned into barking.

Dunn immediately ran towards the place where the barking was coming from. He came near a cave and he looked down. He was sad to see a frightened pup who was stranded at the bottom of the 20-foot-deep cave. 

The Dog Is Happy To See A Friendly Face

photo of dog in a cave
Source: Steve Palik

As soon as the dog noticed him, she started wagging her tail. Her heart glimmered with hope that she would soon leave the dark and scary place.

Dunn didn’t have the necessary equipment to rescue the dog. He angled a tree stump and slid it down the cave. He was hoping that the dog could climb out that way, but unfortunately, she couldn’t do it.

He took all the food he had in his backpack and threw it to the pup. Dunn didn’t want to leave her there, but he had no choice because a storm was coming. Since he had no cell reception, he couldn’t ask for help.

He went home and he was determined to come back with the equipment to rescue the dog the next day.

A Rescue Mission

As soon as he arrived home, he posted a call for help on Facebook. His friends and fellow explorers were happy to take part in the dog’s rescue mission. 

In the morning, the group went to the forest with ropes and the necessary gear.

While they were walking towards the cave, they heard barking. They were relieved to know that the dog was well. 

The doggo was glad to see that they cared about her, and she truly believed that she would be saved. Her tail didn’t stop wiggling as she watched them from the cave. 

The volunteers talked to her, telling her that everything would be fine. They tied the ropes to the trees, and one of them rappelled into the cave to get the dog. 

As soon as he reached the bottom of the cave, the pup ran to his arms and licked him. She was very happy, and she knew that these humans worked hard to save her. 

The volunteer immediately secured a harness around the pooch, and the rest of the group started pulling the dog out.

Happy To Be Saved

She got very frightened and her legs were shaking. As soon as she reached the ground, she felt relieved. Her eyes were filled with gratitude as she looked at her rescuers. She couldn’t contain her excitement.

“The dog was so happy. She just rolled around on the grass, wanting her belly rubbed. She was the happiest animal I’ve ever seen,” Dunn said.

They were overjoyed to see that the pup was fine and that she had no injuries. After seeing that she was underweight, her heroes concluded that the pup must have spent a lot of time stranded in the cave in the Withlacoochee State Forest, near Tampa.

Her heroes gave her food, and she started eating it very quickly.

Luckily, the pooch had a collar, and a tag with the name and phone number of her owner. The rescuers contacted her dad right away. 

He was relieved and overjoyed that his beloved dog was found. He was very worried about her. She had been missing for 3 weeks. Her dad started losing hope of ever seeing his beloved Sally again.

Reunion With Her Dad

That same day, the pooch was reunited with her dad. As soon as Sally saw him, she ran into his arms and licked his face. Both of them were over the moon to be together again.

After he thanked Dunn and all the volunteers for rescuing his sweet girl, Sally’s dad took her home. Sally couldn’t believe how lucky she was to be with her loving family again. 

We’re happy to know that Sally was rescued and reunited with her forever family. We’re also deeply grateful to Joe Dunn and the group of volunteers. They are true heroes.