Time was definitely not his friend.
Alan had only seconds to decide to save Pearl’s life and only 24 hours to get to her in Los Angeles.
When you need it the most, time seems to run through your fingers. It slips away.
Pearl was the first in a row to be euthanized. This sweet Pitbull had no time left. Alan was her only chance.
Could this brave man make it in time?
Will Pearl be saved and finally offered a loving home?
Every Minute Counts

It was still early in the morning when Alan showed up at the airport with a bag in his hand and one thought in his mind: Pearl, the Pitbull sentenced to euthanasia he was about to rescue.
The trip should be an easy one; you get on the plane, get off it, and run to the shelter to pick up Pearl. The guy who was working at the shelter promised to keep Pearl until 3:30 PM that day. Everything seemed fine.
Full of hope and excitement that Pearl would finally end up in the safe home he found for her, Alan arrived in Los Angeles.
But then, trouble started coming his way. The traffic was ridiculous. It was a complete mess you only get in LA. Alan was speeding, frightened that he wouldn’t make it in time.
“I’ve been calling the shelter nonstop, just making sure everything is OK. You know, I am coming, so I’m hoping that I make it in time,” said Alan in the video for The Dodo.
Fortunately, he made it with just a few minutes to spare. It was tight, but Alan’s venture was a success.
Pearl was being held for Alan until 3:30 that day. She went on her freedom walk at 3:25!
If the traffic had been any worse, or if he’d stopped at a gas station, Alan would’ve been late, and Pearl would’ve been lost.
Freedom Tastes So Sweet

Pearl is such a beautiful girl. Her sweet temperament really shined through, and Alan saw it the moment he took her over.
After all this time at the shelter, suffering that she can’t be free and with loving hoomans, Pearl deserved something nice. Alan knew exactly how to spoil the gorgeous Pittie gal.
He took her to her first In-N-Out burgers, the best in town. It. was. delish.
Pearl enjoyed her first freedom meal that tasted like nothing before.
But, that wasn’t all of it. Alan had other things in mind to treat Pearl. He took her toy shopping. The poor girl looked like it was her first time shopping for doggy toys. It probably was.
And then, to round out such a wonderful day, Alan took Pearl into a spacious, dog-friendly hotel room where she finally lay on the bed like a true princess. She just splayed on the soft mattress, feeling safe for the first time in her life.
Goodbye Tastes Bittersweet

Alan’s mission was to rescue Pearl from euthanasia and bring her to her furever family. He knew she would fit in pawfectly anywhere she went.
“She crawled into my arms as we slept in preparation for her big travel day… one that would see her get adopted to a family she could call her own! I had never seen a smile so big, or felt an embrace so tight… it warmed my heart on an unusually cold winter, California night,” said Alan on his Instagram.
That morning, the drive to the airport was smooth and without any traffic. It was such a difference from Alan’s arrival.
Time couldn’t fly faster this time. Every minute with Pearl was too short.
At the airport, Pearl’s forever family was waiting: a sweet boy and his mom.
Pearl’s new family has a big home with lots of land for Pearl and her two canine brothers to run freely. It’s heaven on Earth for dogs.
Alan gets regular updates on this sweet Pittie and how she’s doing. And, she’s doing absolutely fantastic.
If Alan was late just for five minutes, Pearl wouldn’t be here today. This brave man didn’t care about paying for a plane ticket to LA. He didn’t mind the trip or the strenuous drive. All he had in mind was to rescue Pearl.
And for that, we thank him.
You can follow Alan and his rescue stories on Instagram. I pawmise you there’s more happy rescue tails waiting for you.