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Woman From Iowa Goes Grocery Shopping, Only To Return With An Unexpected Surprise

Woman From Iowa Goes Grocery Shopping, Only To Return With An Unexpected Surprise

There are few people who don’t like surprises. Whether they are something as simple as chocolate or something more expensive like a mobile phone, that feeling is simply wonderful. 

Sometimes, some people don’t need any reason to surprise someone close to them, except to do a good deed. This is exactly what one woman did after returning from a trip to Florida with her husband.

Although she went to the grocery store, this woman came home with something much bigger than the groceries, which totally surprised her husband. 

Overcrowded Shelter

big dog and women
Source: @dog_momdsm

As soon as Elaine Buhs and her husband returned to their home in Des Moines, Iowa, this woman headed to the grocery store to buy some essentials. 

She indeed bought those things, but on her way home, she stopped by the Animal Rescue League Of Iowa, a shelter where she was a volunteer. 

At that moment, it occurred to her that the shelter was overcrowded, and since she was in a good mood, she decided to do something about it.

After she returned to the car, there was bread, milk, and other groceries on the front seat, and Buddy, a 10-month-old Great Pyrenees mix, in the back

Since Eliane is a content creator, aside from being a shelter volunteer, she shared a video of her endeavor on TikTok via her account, @dog_momdsm. 


Our shelter is getting overcrowded with dogs so I decided to pick up a foster. Four beautiful dogs came in under socialized. One got adopted, one went to foster right away. There were two left so I took this nervous nelly. I’m gonna lay by him all night and see how it goes❤️❤️❤️#adoptdontshop #rescuedog #shelterdog #savealifeadoptapet #shelterlife #shelterdogsoftiktok #savealife

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“Our shelter is getting overcrowded with dogs so I decided to pick up a foster. Four beautiful dogs came in under socialized. One got adopted, one went to foster right away. There were two left so I took this nervous nelly. I’m gonna lay by him all night and see how it goes❤️❤️❤️” Elaine wrote in the caption of the video. 

TikTok users were delighted so there were many positive comments. 

“Wow! Absolutely beautiful 🥰,” one woman wrote, while the other added: “He’s a handsome boy. Thank you so much for fostering!!”

“Now keep him ❤️🐾,” the third quipped. 

A Big Furry Surprise

adorable white dog
Source: @dog_momdsm

When Elaine went into the shelter, she was asking for a small puppy or one tired from the shelter environment

The employees and volunteers immediately suggested a 10-month-old Great Pyrenees mix who definitely needed a break. Before she saw him, Elaine imagined him as a cute little doggo who could fit in the palm of her hand. 

She was shocked when she saw that this puppy was actually just a bit smaller than a small horse. Aside from being very big, he was totally undersocialized as he came from the farm where he was part of an unwanted litter. 

When they arrived home, Buddy was so uncomfortable that Elaine couldn’t bring him into the house. 

sweet giant dog
Source: @dog_momdsm

Then, she called her husband for help, and he, thinking that she was calling him to help her bring in the groceries, rushed to her aid. 

He was shocked when he saw her struggling with a huge dog, and even more when he heard that it was a puppy. Still, despite all the difficulties, they somehow managed to get Buddy into the house.

big dog and toy
Source: @dog_momdsm

For a while, he just hid under tables, running away from people, but after a while, he relaxed a bit and started to get used to his new surroundings. This big furry surprise will stay in his temporary home until he overcomes his nervousness. 

Although he was not a very pleasant surprise for Elaine’s husband, this man was now used to him, and he was also pleased by the fact that Buddy’s stay in their home was a truly good deed.