We all know that dogs are incredibly social beings.
They love running around and hanging out with whoever they come across, no matter their breed or size.
I have talked about many strange friends that dogs have made over the years, but the pairing we are about to see today is truly one of a kind.
Their bond goes beyond what anyone would expect. It shows us once again that friendship knows no boundaries – no matter whether it’s species, size, or differences in any form.
The Uniquest Duo Ever

One proud doggo owner took to his Instagram to show that his Pit Bull puppy, named Kronos, has made a pretty interesting friend.
The video shows the adorable pup happily strolling around his house before lying on a blanket on the couch. At first, you might think that all you are watching is a sweet little puppy taking a nap; however, he is soon joined by his very close friend.
Drum roll, please… It’s a rat!

Remi, the rat, who is almost the same length as Kronos, is comfortably cuddled next to his canine companion.
Of course, Kronos couldn’t help but give his little friend a loving kiss before their little nap.
Since the video went viral, many hoomans gathered in the comments in order to express their opinions about this strange little duo. Spoiler alert: it’s adorable!
“I had pet rats for a few years and my pit LOVED them. He would stand by their cage and cry until I let them out. They would get free time in the house and he would let them climb on him, he’d follow them around…” one commentator wrote.
Another stated how this little video completely changed their opinions on rats: “Never been a fan of rats. I never really found them to be cute. But seeing these two buds just hanging out. And that little rat peaking a sweet little chill spot and cuddling up close. Rats are cool I guess.”
I loved what this hooman pointed out by saying: “Two of the most misunderstood and wrongly stigmatized animals showing their true essence right there.”

Let’s Break The Stereotypes
Being such social animals, dogs tend to form strong bonds with humans and other animals, often in surprising ways.
Pit Bulls and rats are often unfairly judged based on stereotypes, with Pit Bulls labeled as aggressive and rats viewed as pests. However, the incredible friendship between Remi and Kronos highlights just how wrong these assumptions can be.
Pit Bulls and rats have proved time and time again that they can become best friends while being playful, loyal, and trusting toward each other, showing that love and companionship can thrive in the unlikeliest of friendships!
So, please let us break this stereotype and finally understand that the only things animals are are loving and kind!