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Illinois Hikers Notice Movement In Nearby Leaves And Soon Discover A Shocking Surprise

Illinois Hikers Notice Movement In Nearby Leaves And Soon Discover A Shocking Surprise

When a couple from Chicago, Illinois went hiking, they thought it would be just another ordinary trip to nature and did not believe any surprises could occur. 

However, at one point, while they were passing through the beautiful greenery of the Chicago area, they heard rustling nearby. When they got closer to that place, they noticed a white dot. 

This couple quickly realized it was an animal, but they didn’t know which one. 

An Absolute Surprise

After initial caution, Carolyn McCabe and her boyfriend, Conor Keeling, slowly began to approach the place where this white animal was.

When they finally had a clear view and could see who was in the leaves, they were a little shocked. It was not at all clear to them how the white guinea pig got there.

However, after the initial shock, they quickly managed to pull themselves together and, with a cool head, decided that they had to postpone all their plans in order to help this poor animal.

“We immediately were like … ‘We have to do something about this,’” Carolyn told The Dodo. “He was just so sweet. So it was a very short hike that day.”

These two great people initially thought that the guinea pig had wandered away from his home, so they went door to door to see if someone would claim him.

Unfortunately, that did not happen, so they concluded that someone had probably dumped him. They knew exactly what they had to do next. 

He Felt At Home

Carolyn and Conor didn’t have the heart to leave this guinea pig behind just like that so they took him home with them

They immediately gave him a bath while they lined the bathtub with towels to make him extra cozy. After that, these two kind souls cut up fruits and veggies for him to eat in order to regain his energy after everything he’d been through. 

The couple decided to name the guinea pig Quinn, after the park near where they found him earlier that day. Quickly after eating, resting, and relaxing, Quinn began to feel at home and these people truly enjoyed his company. 

“[W]hen he first got here, he was a little bit scared,” Carolyn said. “But then, he really opened up and he loved all the fruits [and veggies] we gave him … He was just running around and having a blast.”

Sadly, this fairy tale quickly came to an end and Quinn had to leave their home.

Heartbreaking Goodbye, But A Happy Ending

Quinn spent only two weeks with Carolyn and Conor before Carolyn discovered that she was actually allergic to guinea pigs. Soon after that, they had to say a heartbreaking goodbye to Quinn. 

Because of everything this guinea pig went through, and also because they fell in love with him in a short time, Carolyn and Conor decided to do everything to make his future bright. 

Accordingly, they contacted One Tail at a Time, one of the best animal rescue organizations, located in Chicago, Illinois. These amazing people immediately found the perfect family for him

The members of this family are true guinea pig lovers, and they were just looking for one to comfort their former guinea pig who had recently passed away.

Although it was very difficult for Carolyn and Conor to part with Quinn, they found solace in knowing that this guinea pig was now in safe hands.

“This whole thing [was] so funny and sweet,” Carolyn said. “He’s in a good place [now]. It was a happy ending for everybody.”