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Heroic Vet Takes In 41 Animals For Care As Owners Escape Horrific Wildfires Raging In California

Heroic Vet Takes In 41 Animals For Care As Owners Escape Horrific Wildfires Raging In California

They say that tough times shed light on real-life heroes, and this could not be truer than in the case of Annie Harvilicz. 

This Californian veterinarian demonstrated marvelous bravery and kindness when, in the face of raging wildfires, she decided to open up her facility to dozens of animals that desperately needed a place to stay.

What began as a simple social media plea quickly evolved into a life-saving mission, bringing the entire community together!

An Act To Remember

Annie Harvilicz, who runs two animal hospitals in the LA area, didn’t think twice after she realized dozens of animals were in jeopardy. 

Without further ado, she posted a Facebook plea informing everyone about an empty hospital just twelve miles from the growing wildfire that could house pets in need of evacuation.

“I have an empty old vet hospital in Marina del Rey. I am happy to house any animals that need to be evacuated,” Dr. Annie wrote.

In just a few days, Dr. Harvilicz received hundreds of emails from concerned pet owners. At one point, she was housing multiple pets from the same families (cats and dogs), and one lone rabbit, Oreo, bringing the total count to 41 animals in the facility.

“The animals that ended up staying here were mostly with families that had multiple pets,” the vet told CBS Mornings.

Although tired and sleepless in the process, Dr. Annie couldn’t hide her gratitude for being able to help all those four-legged friends in need.

smiling veterinarian with two dogs
Source: New York Post

“I’m trying to help people who are evacuating,” Harvilicz added.

During her plea, Harvilitz emphasized the importance of community involvement in this entire process. So many people reached out, donating and offering to help, which made the work much easier.

Please Stay With Your Pets

Dr. Annie will continue her kind work, but she reminds all pet owners of the importance of taking care of their pets. First and foremost, she encourages people to evacuate with their furry buddies

Harvilitz notes that many Airbnb’s, hotels, and other facilities are now widely accepting families with pets, making it easier for them to find safe places during this situation.

However, Harvilitz emphasizes that she is more than ready to help those who still can’t find a solution (including multiple pet owners). Almost all of her forty-one pets that she initially admitted have been reunited with their owners (or found a foster home) and the process is ongoing.

“They all went back to their house because their evacuation was lifted. We also found fosters. So many people have been reaching out, it’s such an amazing story,” Harvilicz concluded.

Dr. Harvilitz’s selfless example is truly rare and inspiring, giving us hope that humanity remains alive, especially in hard times like these. 

This kind-hearted veterinarian’s story will serve as a testament to kindness, bravery, and resilience, reminding us that no matter how hard the challenges seem, we’re not alone in our hardships!