Soaking up their mom’s love was all that three newborn puppies ever wanted.
Unfortunately, cold-hearted people snatched them from their mom’s arms without feeling any compassion. They put the furbabies in a box and left them in a dumpster in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
The helpless puppies were around ten days old and couldn’t understand what was going on.
Hungry and scared, they were trembling with cold. The pups were close to reaching the point of no return.
They hugged each other and waited for their mom, believing that she would find them before it was too late.
A Hero Saves The Little Pups

A big-hearted passerby heard strange sounds coming from the dumpster and rushed to investigate.
Once they opened the dumpster, the Good Samaritan discovered a box with three desperate newborn puppies. They were in shock.
The passerby reached out to Almost Home Canine Rescue, a rescue located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and informed them about the devastating situation.
The rescue team felt heartbroken for the innocent furbabies. They dashed to the site, collected the crying puppies, and brought them to safety.

Katie Day, the founder of the rescue, was appalled because the newborn puppies were left to suffer in freezing temperatures.
“It’s too cold for a human being to be staying outside right now, these puppies had no chance,” Day told a local TV station KELO.
Day said that it was pointless for someone to discard the puppies since there are various organizations, including hers, that are willing to help them.
She hopes that the authorities will find the person who left the furbabies in the dumpster and charge them with animal cruelty.
Nursing The Puppies To Health

Thanks to the Good Samaritan and the South Dakota rescuers, the three newborn puppies are safe.
The rescue staff received the furbabies, named Bo, Birdie, and Brody, with arms full of love. They were determined to do everything in their power to help them survive.
The pups were dehydrated and in need of constant care.

Their caregivers kept them warm and bottle-fed them. The puppies felt relieved to have a warm shelter and they stopped crying.
A rescue found them a great foster family who was focused on nursing them back to health.

Although they went through quite an ordeal, the furballs proved to be real warriors.
They opened their eyes and absorbed all the affection that their fosters gave them. They sensed that they were in good hands.
Although the puppies didn’t have their mom by their side, they were glad to have each other.
I’m certain that the lovely puppies will continue thriving and that they will find perfect forever homes once they reach the optimal age for adoption.