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Virginia Family Devastated To Lose Dog In Home Collapse Discovers Something Truly Miraculous

Virginia Family Devastated To Lose Dog In Home Collapse Discovers Something Truly Miraculous

Accidents happen and, unfortunately, sometimes we can’t do anything about it. Overnight, people lose everything, but they are still happy if they don’t lose their loved ones.

Megan Schnapp and her partner Joshua Jeffries lost their home in Haymarket, Virginia after an explosion. The couple and their children managed to escape in time, and one of their two dogs ran out at the last moment. 

They were happy to see that everyone was fine, but saddened when they noticed that their other dog, five-year-old Brandy, didn’t make it. 

Although it was very difficult for all of them, they had to come to terms with that devastating fact. 

Nothing Short Of A Miracle

Megan and her partner had Brandy for almost five years after adopting her when she was just eight weeks old. According to WTOP news, Megan was so devastated when this tragedy occurred that she loudly screamed “My dog, my dog!” in front of the house. 

The days passed and they came to terms with the fact that they will probably never see their beloved pet again. 

Six days after their house collapsed, the insurance inspector came to examine the house. Megan was accompanying him and they approached the wrecked house together. 

Soon after, something happened that made Megan’s heart skip a beat. She heard barking among the rubble, and when she realized what that meant, she immediately called the fire department. 

As soon as Prince William Professional Firefighters came to the scene, they started to explore the ruins and it was obvious that they managed to find something. 

After twenty minutes of intensive rescue action, Megan witnessed a scene that was nothing short of a miracle. 

With the help of a piece of ham, her beloved dog Brandy walked out of the rubble like a phoenix from the ashes. 

“Complete Again”

man hugging a dog
Source: WTOP news

“Truck 4 worked diligently to free the pup from the collapsed home, reuniting her with her family,” the firefighters wrote in their Facebook post

For twenty minutes, these heroic people used “stabilization shoring techniques and some good old coaxing” to free Brandy from the rubble and they eventually succeeded. 

According to Lt. Mark Waldrop, a member of the team from Fire Station 4 in Gainesville, the dog was very scared and was acting timid, “growling and barking even at the owner.”

For this very reason, these people left Brandy alone for a while to adapt to the new

circumstances. However, her overjoyed parents could not resist hugging her, creating the most beautiful moment of this heartwarming story. 

man woman and rescued dog
Source: WTOP news

Soon after, her parents took Brandy to the vet where she is slowly recovering from her injuries, which, thank God, are minor. 

The news that Brandy was going to be okay was a real balm to her parents’ souls after everything they had been through and after losing their home.

“And now our family is complete again,” Megan said at the end.