There is no greater blessing for a dog than to be in a warm home with a loving family. The heartbreak is just as great when the dog is left without it.
One canine named Nala was living a happy life with her family for four years. Then one day, those whom she trusted the most suddenly did not want her anymore.
They returned her to the shelter, and despite all the efforts of employees to dissuade them from that decision, she remained behind the bars of the kennel.
Poor Nala just couldn’t understand that those to whom she had given her heart would never return.
A True Heartbreak

A few years ago, when Nala was just a puppy, she was found wandering the streets alone. A Good Samaritan didn’t ignore her but brought her to Al Mayya K9 Adoptions where she was adopted rather quickly.
She spent four years with this family and couldn’t imagine a different life. Sadly, after all those years, her family decided to return her to the same shelter from which they adopted her because she was nervous around strangers.
The employees of the shelter tried everything to stop them from doing that. These people suggested they transfer Nala to the other room when their guests come or to visit the behaviorist. They did visit the professional once but they quickly gave up.
Then they made a final decision – they surrendered their longtime furry companion to the shelter and never came back. The confused look of this dog who couldn’t understand that her family would never return truly broke the hearts of the shelter employees.
“These are the days we dread the most… 💔” they wrote in the caption of the video.
Many TikTok users were also heartbroken, and there were numerous reactions to this sad video.
“What is wrong with people !!!! Poor little girl ❤️,” one user wrote, while the other commended: “Poor baby😢❤️❤️”
The third wrote: “❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I hope she gets adopted by a loving family and gets all the love that she needs.”
Hope For A New Home

Although the situation was difficult for Nala, her spirit did not break. She was both confused and sad when she first came to the shelter, but she didn’t forget to wag her tail and keep a smile on her beautiful face.
Little by little, with the help of big-hearted shelter employees, she was getting better every day and the glimpse of hope was slowly returning to her eyes.
She is no longer as frightened as she was, her zoomies are back, she enjoys walking with her caretakers, and she even found a friend, Sky, who she likes to play with.
Unfortunately, she is still missing the most important thing – a forever home. However, the good people from the shelter hope that Nala will soon meet her happy ending as well.
They are convinced that many good people can’t wait to give this amazing dog a warm home and to receive much more in return – immense love and loyalty that can only be obtained from man’s best friend.
Good luck sweet Nala!